The problem of genome assembly is ultimately linked to the problem of the characterization of all repeat families in a genome as a repeat graph. The key reason the de Bruijn graph emerged as a popular short read assembly approach is because it offered an elegant representation of all repeats in a genome that reveals their mosaic structure. However, most algorithms for assembling long error-prone reads use an alternative overlap-layout-consensus (OLC) approach that does not provide a repeat characterization. We present the Flye algorithm for constructing the A-Bruijn (assembly) graph from long error-prone reads, that, in contrast to the k-mer-based de Bruijn graph, assembles genomes using an alignment-based A-Bruijn graph. In difference from existing assemblers, Flye does not attempt to construct accurate contigs (at least at the initial assembly stage) but instead simply generates arbitrary paths in the (unknown) assembly graph and further constructs an assembly graph from these paths. Counter-intuitively, this fast but seemingly reckless approach results in the same graph as the assembly graph constructed from accurate contigs. Flye constructs (overlapping) contigs with possible assembly errors at the initial stage, combines them into an accurate assembly graph, resolves repeats in the assembly graph using small variations between various repeat instances that were left unresolved during the initial assembly stage, constructs a new, less tangled assembly graph based on resolved repeats, and finally outputs accurate contigs as paths in this graph. We benchmark Flye against several state-of-the-art Single Molecule Sequencing assemblers and demonstrate that it generates better or comparable assemblies for all analyzed datasets.