Since persister cells survive antibiotic treatments through dormancy and resuscitate to reconstitute infections, it is imperative to determine the rate at which these cells revive. Using two sets of Escherichia coli persister cells, those arising naturally at low levels and those generated at high levels by ceasing transcription via rifampicin pretreatment (shown to be bona fide persisters through seven sets of experiments), we used microscopy of single cells to determine that persisters have low levels of antibiotic-corrupting proteins and that their resuscitation is heterogeneous and includes cells that grow immediately. In all, five phenotypes were found for persister cell resuscitation: (i) immediate division, (ii) immediate elongation followed by division, (iii) immediate elongation but no division, (iv) delayed elongation/division, and (v) no growth. In addition, once cell division begins, the growth rate is that of exponential cells. Critically, the greater the ribosome content, the faster the persister cells resuscitate.