Isogenic cells living in the same environment show a natural heterogeneity associated with fluctuations in gene expression. When these fluctuations propagate through cellular regulatory networks, they can give rise to noise regulons, whereby multiple genes fluctuate in a coordinated fashion in single cells. The propagation of these fluctuations has been extensively characterized at the transcriptional level. For example, variations in transcription factor concentration induce correlated fluctuations in the abundance of target gene products. Here, we find that such noise regulons can also stem from protein degradation. We expressed pairs of yellow and red fluorescent proteins, subjected them to differential translation or degradation, and analyzed their fluctuations in single cells. While differential translation had little impact on fluctuations, protein degradation was found to be a dominant contributor. A mathematical model to decompose fluctuations arising from multiple sources of regulation revealed that cells with higher protein production capacity also exhibited higher protein degradation capacity. This association uncouples fluctuations in protein abundance from fluctuations in production rate, and can generate orthogonal noise regulons even for proteins relying on the same transcriptional program.
or.matalon{at}weizmann.ac.il, avital.steinberg{at}weizmann.ac.il, ehud.sass{at}weizmann.ac.il, jean.hausser{at}weizmann.ac.il, emmanuel.levy{at}weizmann.ac.il