Folded RNA elements that block processive 5′→3′ cellular exoribonucleases (xrRNAs) to produce biologically active viral non-coding RNAs were discovered in flaviviruses, potentially revealing a new mode of RNA maturation. However, it was unknown if this RNA structure-dependent mechanism exists elsewhere and if so, whether a singular RNA fold is required. Here, we demonstrate the existence of authentic RNA structure-dependent xrRNAs in dianthoviruses, plant-infecting viruses unrelated to animal-infecting flaviviruses. These novel xrRNAs have no sequence similarity to known xrRNAs, thus we used a combination of biochemistry and virology to characterize their sequence requirements and mechanism of stopping exoribonucleases. By solving the structure of a dianthovirus xrRNAs by x-ray crystallography, we reveal a complex fold that is very different from the flavivirus xrRNAs. However, both versions of xrRNAs contain a unique topological feature that is created by a different set of intramolecular contacts; this may be a defining structural feature of xrRNAs. Remarkably, the dianthovirus xrRNA can use ‘co-degradational remodeling,’ exploiting the exoribonuclease’s degradation-linked helicase activity to help form their resistant structure; such a mechanism has not previously been reported. Convergent evolution has created RNA structure-dependent exoribonuclease resistance in different contexts, which establishes it as a general RNA maturation mechanism and defines xrRNAs as an authentic functional class of RNAs.