Current myoelectric prostheses allow upper-limb amputees to regain voluntary motor control of their artificial limb by exploiting residual muscle function in the forearm1. However, the over-reliance on visual cues resulting from a lack of sensory feedback is a common complaint2,3. Recently, several groups have provided tactile feedback in upper-limb amputees by using implanted electrodes4,5,6,7,8, surface nerve stimulation9,10 or sensory substitution11,12. These approaches have led to improved function and prosthesis embodiment4,5,6,7,13,14. Nevertheless, the provided information remains limited to a subset of the rich sensory cues available to healthy individuals. More specifically, proprioception, the sense of limb position and movement, is predominantly absent from current systems. Here we show that sensory substitution based on intraneural stimulation can deliver position feedback in real-time and in conjunction with somatotopic tactile feedback. This approach allowed two trans-radial amputees to regain high and close-to-natural remapped proprioceptive acuity, with a median joint angle reproduction accuracy of 9.1° and a median threshold to detection of passive movements of 9.5°, which was compatible with results obtained in healthy subjects15,16,17. The simultaneous delivery of position information and somatotopic tactile feedback allowed both amputees to discriminate object size and compliance with high levels of accuracy (75.5%). These results demonstrate that touch information delivered via somatotopic neural stimulation and position information delivered via sensory substitution can be exploited simultaneously and efficiently by trans-radial amputees. This study paves the way towards more sophisticated bidirectional bionic limbs conveying rich, multimodal sensations.