The analysis of whole genome sequencing data should, in theory, allow the discovery of interdependent loci that cause antibiotic resistance. In practice, however, identifying this epistasis remains a challenge as the vast number of possible interactions erodes statistical power. To solve this problem, we extend a method that has been successfully used to identify epistatic residues in proteins to infer genomic loci that are strongly coupled and associated with antibiotic resistance. Our method reduces the number of tests required for an epistatic genome-wide association study and increases the likelihood of identifying causal epistasis. We discovered 38 loci and 250 epistatic pairs that influence the dose needed to inhibit growth for five different antibiotics in 1,102 isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae that were confirmed in an independent dataset of 495 isolates. Many known resistance-affecting loci were recovered; however, the majority of loci occurred in unreported genes, including murE which was associated with cefixime. About half of the novel epistasis we report involved at least one locus previously associated with antibiotic resistance, including interactions between gyrA and parC associated with ciprofloxacin. Still, many combinations involved unreported loci and genes. Our work provides a systematic identification of epistasis pairs affecting antibiotic resistance in N. gonorrhoeae and a generalizable method for epistatic genome-wide association studies.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is rapidly evolving to be untreatable. Clinical N. gonorrhoeae isolates already exhibit mono-resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins such as cefixime and ceftriaxone1”4 and other relevant antimicrobials5. More alarmingly, a new strain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae that is multi-resistant to the currently recommended therapy — a combination of azithromycin and ceftriaxone — was reported in the United Kingdom in March 20186.
Epistasis can both enable and prevent the evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria7 such as N. gonorrhoeae. On the one hand, mutations that compensate for costly resistance variants8 can enable the evolution of multi-resistant bacteria. On the other hand, epistasis can constrain the spread of antibiotic resistance if the fitness cost of resistance prohibits its transmission or spread by horizontal gene transfer. Statistically, it is difficult to discover epistatic interactions that affect antibiotic resistance because the number of possible interactions to test is prohibitively large. To circumvent this problem, researchers have used prior knowledge such as known protein-protein interactions or network information to find candidate pairs for epistatic testing9, 10. Alternatively, others have restricted the statistical analysis to loci that individually are strongly associated with the trait of interest11, 12. In the end, neither of these approaches allow a systematic search for epistatic interactions.
To conduct a genome-wide association study13 (GWAS) that tests for epistatic associations in the face of the combinatorial explosion of statistical tests, we exploit sequence information by computing evolutionary couplings14 to identify epistatic interactions. In recent years, evolutionary couplings methods have made breakthroughs in ab initio protein and RNA 3D structure14–16, protein complex17, and mutation effects prediction18. Now, these methods are being adopted for bacterial genome analysis19. Evolutionary couplings are able to separate causal interactions from indirect correlations20 including, to a large extent, global correlations caused by population structure and phylogeny21, 22 or under-sampling. We hypothesized that evolutionary couplings, inferred from populations of bacterial pathogens, might represent functional or mechanistic dependencies between loci that affect bacterial fitness. If true, evolutionary couplings would be able to find epistatic interactions affecting phenotypes, and thus could be used to filter pairs for epistatic GWAS in a principled manner suggesting an agnostic alternative to pathway-based filtering approaches9, 10.
In this work, we report single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and epistatic interactions that were significantly associated with changes in minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) in an exploratory dataset and subsequently confirmed in a separate dataset. The structure of the epistatic associations reveals the genetic architecture that underlies antimicrobial sensitivity and resistance in N. gonorrhoeae. Thus, our work provides a foundation for experimentalists and clinicians seeking to understand how epistatic interactions between genes affect the rapid evolution of antibiotic resistance in clinical pathogens such as N. gonorrhoeae.
N. gonorrhoeae isolate genomes and drug resistance
We extracted whole genome sequences and MICs of five antibiotics (Penicillin: PEN, Tetracycline: TET, Cefixime: CFX, Ciprofloxacin: CIPRO, and Azithromycin: AZI) from clinical studies of N. gonorrhoeae infection (Supplementary Table 1). Genome-wide association studies will often have some kind of validation test, though not strictly required to make the initial association. We therefore used one dataset of 1,102 strains collected in the USA23 for the initial exploration and a second dataset comprised of 495 strains24 collected in Canada25(n = 246) and England26 (n = 249), which we used for independent confirmation (Supplementary Table 1). The phylogenetic analysis of all 1,597 isolates showed considerable diversity within both cohorts (Supplementary Figure 1, Methods). The cohorts nevertheless differed in lineage composition, supporting the use of the second dataset as confirmatory. In a phenotypic analysis of susceptibility to the antibiotics, we found that 92% of isolates from both cohorts were resistant to at least one drug, using clinically defined thresholds from the European Committee of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing27 (Figure 2). Moving forward to the analysis of resistance association, using N. gonorrhoeae FA1090 as a reference, we identified non-synonymous SNPs and SNPs in non-coding regions affecting gene expression28 that had a minor allele frequency ≥ 0.5%, resulting in 8,686 loci (Methods).
a) First, non-synonymous SNPs and non-coding variants with experimentally-derived functional annotation are identified and used to generate a whole-genome alignment. b) Highly evolutionarily coupled loci are identified using an undirected graphical model given the multiple sequence alignment. c) The inferred evolutionary couplings are then tested in an exploratory set of 1,102 Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains, using a linear mixed model, for their epistatic association to minimum inhibitory concentrations for five antibiotics: penicillin (PEN), tetracycline (TET), cefixime (CFX), ciprofloxacin (CIPRO), and azithromycin (AZI). d) Significant epistatic associations are then validated in an independent and geographically distinct set of 495 N. gonorrhoeae genomes.
The dotted lines indicate clinical breakpoints for N. gonorrhoeae as defined by the European committee on antimicrobial susceptibility testing (EUCAST). a) The MIC distribution of the 1,102 strains in the exploratory test dataset. In the test set, 537 strains were resistant to penicillin (PEN; resistance threshold > 1 mg/L), 661 were resistant to tetracycline (TET; > 1 mg/L); 266 were resistant to cefixime (CFX; > 0.125 mg/L); 602 were resistant to ciprofloxacin (CIPRO; > 0.06 mg/L); and 459 were resistant to azithromycin (AZI; > 0.5 mg/L). b) The MIC distribution of the 495 strains in the confirmatory dataset. The confirmatory set contained 141 PEN, 400 TET, 17 CFX, 231 CIPRO, and 231 AZI resistant.
Probabilistic model to capture genome-wide interactions
To test for epistatic contributions to the observed antibiotic resistance, we would have to test over 37 million combinations of the 8,686 loci— resulting in low statistical power and a high probability of identifying spuriously correlated pairs. Since it seems reasonable to assume that only a small number of pairs of loci, if any, are causally related to the resistance phenotype, a logical approach would be to simply test the most correlated pairs across the samples. However, many of those pairs are likely to be non-causal, due to population structure in the data that results in transitive correlations. This problem is seen in many areas of biological data analysis: correlation does not imply causation20, 29. Here we solve this by applying a maximum entropy model to identify which pairs of loci best explain all other observed pairs in the data. The model and inference approaches we develop are based on a method that identifies causal dependencies and epistasis between residues in proteins and RNAs that has led to successful folding of 3D structure14,20,30 and prediction of mutation effects18 from sequence alone.
We therefore computed the epistatic relationships between the 8,686 loci before exploring the association to antibiotic resistance phenotypes. Our statistical model associates the genome sequence σ with a probability distribution P(σ) at equilibrium as
where Z is a normalization constant. We define E(σ) as the sum of coupling terms Jij between every pair of loci in a sequence and a locus-wise bias term hi:
We use regularized pseudolikelihood maximization inference31 to compute the parameters Jij and hi. To measure the evolutionary coupling (EC) strength between pairs of loci, the inferred parameters Jij are summarized using the Frobenius norm31:
To calculate the final EC score, we corrected the FN scores for population-structure and under-sampling using the average product correction32. From the full set of all pairs (~ 37 million) we selected the subset that had a probability of more than 95% for being in the signal distribution when fitting the coupling strengths to a two-component mixture model (Methods). This resulted in a high-confidence set of 242,360 pairs involving 7,868 loci in 1,438 genes with the majority in protein–coding genes (7,437); 178 within transcription start sites or 5’ untranslated regions; 224 within promoters; and 29 within ribosomal RNAs (Supplementary Table 2).
Genome-wide single-site analysis recapitulates known associations and predicts new ones
Before testing the epistatic pairs of loci, we performed a single-site GWAS analysis. We used a linear mixed model to measure the association strength of individual loci with the measured change in minimum inhibitory concentrations, correcting for population structure, as in standard GWAS approaches33, 34 (Methods). We tested all 8,686 loci for single association, controlling for multiple hypothesis testing using a Bonferroni correction with an adjusted a set to 0.05. Nearly half (38/82) of the significant associations in the exploratory dataset were also significant in the confirmatory dataset (Tables 1 and 2, Supplementary Table 3).
Single loci associated with change in sensitivity or resistance to Ciprofloxacin (CIPRO)
Single loci associated with change in sensitivity or resistance to Azithromycin (AZI), Penicillin (PEN), Tetracycline (TET), and Cefixime (CFX)
Of these 38 loci, 22 were associated with CIPRO with known loci in gyrA (2 loci) andparC as the most significant (p= 8.25×10-101, 1.98×10-43 and 9.96×10-18 respectively) (Table 1). We also observed significant associated loci in 20 genes and four non-coding regions (Table 1). The two strongest novel associations, found in dldH (dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, p.A88V, p = 6.68×10-9) and gshB (glutathione synthetase, p.E221K, p = 2.71×10-8) are involved in oxidative stress response35 which can be induced by fluoroquinolones36 (e.g. ciprofloxacin). The dldH variant A88V is on the homodimer interface of the multimeric enzyme, suggesting that multimerization stability is part of its mechanism (Figure 3). Our analysis suggests that the dldH minor allele variant (alanine in the validation dataset) causes greater CIPRO sensitivity, since it is uncommon in resistant isolates (14/231) and its regression coefficient (β) is negative. By contrast, the minor allele variant E221K in gshB is associated with a higher CIPRO MIC and a positive regression coefficient (β), suggesting that the lysine variant increases resistance. The highest density of CIPRO associations was found in gyrA; the AsnC family transcriptional regulator NGO1407 (three loci); gshB; and in the 5’ untranslated region of pyrG (two loci each).
Left: dldH A88 (magenta), associated with CIPRO resistance, maps onto the interface of the homodimer shown in the 3D structure of the homologous protein in Pisum sativum, 1dxl47. Right: Two out of four variants associated with CFX resistance in murE map onto the enzyme active site, as shown in the 3D structure of the homologous protein in E.coli, 1e8c48, co-crystalized with its substrate uri-dine-5’s-diphosphate-n-acetylemuramoyl-l-alanine-d-glutamate (UAG). See Tables 1 and 2 for details.
Eight of our CFX-associated loci are in the antibiotic target penA (PBP2, penicillin-binding protein 2). penA is mosaic in the test isolates23 and only one of these eight associations has been shown to affect resistance4 (p.G546S, p = 5.08×10-12). The remaining four significantly associated loci are in the cell-wall biosynthesis gene, murE. Mutations in murE increase β-lactam resistance in S. pneumoniae37, but to our knowledge, have not been reported in N. gonorrhoeae (Figure 3).
Penicillin, Tetracycline, and Azithromycin
We recover one of the knownporB sites associated with increased resistance23 (A121D/G/V, p = 2.45×10-4) in our confirmation dataset. We also identified previously unreported loci in porB that are likely to be associated with increased antibiotic sensitivity (its regression coefficient β is negative). One was associated with PEN (p.V151A, p = 4.73×10-3) and another was associated with TET (p.F131Y, p = 1.33×10 3). Since variants in porB have also been associated with antibiotic resistance, this shows that porB variation can increase sensitivity as well as resistance to antibiotics. The only single association we see for AZI is the previously known locus in 23S rRNA g.C2617T, previously described as C2611T (p = 2.19×10-31).
Genome-wide association identifies epistatic pairs associated with antibiotic resistance
Next, we tested all 242,360 pairs of loci with high-scoring evolutionary couplings for epistatic association. To assess the contribution of each epistatic effect, we compared the full interaction model against a model only containing the individual sites as additive effects. As before, we applied a Bonferroni correction for multiple testing at an adjusted α = 0.05.
We verified 250 epistatic associations in the confirmatory dataset (Figure 4, Table 3), out of 729 significant epistatic associations in the exploratory dataset (Supplementary Tables 4 and 5). We confirmed epistatic interactions to CIPRO, CFX and AZI but not to TET or PEN.
Selected set of epistatic pairs of loci associated with change in antibiotic sensitivity or resistance (Detailed results in Supplementary Table S5)
Edges between pairs of positions that are both individually associated with changes in minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) are outlined in black, a) Epistatic interactions affecting resistance to azithromycin (AZI). All interactions are connected to a single C2617T variant in 23 S rRNA, which is known to cause significant resistance to AZI. b) Epistatic interactions affecting resistance to ciprofloxacin (CIPRO), c) Epistatic interactions affecting resistance to cefìxime (CFX).
All 250 epistatic interactions involved loci that were confirmed in our single locus GWAS. Ten epistatic associations connected two loci which were each significant in the single locus GWAS. The remaining 240 interactions connected an associated locus to a non-associated locus. In addition, most of the known resistance variants that we identified in our single locus GWAS (5/6) also occurred in our epistatic GWAS analysis (141 occurrences). One hundred and eighteen of the confirmed epistatic associations were associated with CIPRO MIC change; 69 with CFX; and 63 with AZI. Although no interactions had both loci of the pair shared across antibiotics, four genes had epistatic associations with multiple antibiotics, including rmsE, a 16S rRNA (uracil(1498)-N(3))-methyltransferase between shared between AZI and CIPRO.
Epistatic interactions associated with CIPRO involved 79 genes (Figure 3B), and the top 15 most significant (all at p = 1.73×10-45) involved the well-known S91F resistance variant in gyrA5. Two of the strongest epistatic pairs included interactions between the two known resistance-causing loci in gyrA and a resistance-causing locus in parC (gyrA p.S91F to parC p.S87F, p = 1.73×10-45; gyrA p.D95A/G to parC p.S87F, p = 1.26×10-30). The gene products of parC and gyrA are both topoisomerases type II proteins and these well-known loci, S91F (gyrA) and S87F (parC), are in homologous positions close to the DNA and ciprofloxacin binding sites where the resistance variants allow the enzyme to re-ligate DNA38 in the presence of an antibiotic. To our knowledge this is the first report of epistatic effects between these loci in N. gonorrhoeae; notably, homologous epistatic interactions (affecting both ciprofloxacin resistance and fitness) have been seen in experiments with S. pneumoniae39.
We also identified interactions between gyrA S91F and birA E261K, (p = 1.73×10-45) and glmU T425A (p = 1.73×10-45) respectively. The gene birA is known to increase sensitivity to ciprofloxacin when underexpressed in Mycobacterium smegmatis40, while GlmU’s protein abundance increases under ciprofloxacin stress in Salmonella typhimurium, possibly modulating cell wall per-meability41. In total 15 genes contained three or more epistatic associations, dominated by inner and outer-membrane proteins (doxX, lrgB, cirA, petC, NGO1958, tamB), some of which are associated with oxidative stress35.
All epistatic associations to AZI involved a single, known antibiotic resistance variant C2617T (identical to C2611T in previous reports23) in the 23S rRNA (Table 2 and Figure 3A). Of the eleven genes containing two or more associated loci, seven were either membrane proteins (NGO1496, NGO1861a, NGO1463a,porB), cell wall biosynthesis proteins (lgtE) or pilus proteins (NGO 1911a, pilA).
By contrast with CIPRO, epistatic associations with CFX involved only 15 genes, each with multiple associated loci. Eleven epistatic interactions involved the known single resistance locus (p.G546S) in penA. The fifteen genes were dominated by cell membrane, cell wall, and cell wall biosynthesis proteins (penA, fetA, efeO, yebE, mdoB, ffh, arnT, oafA), but also included cell division proteins (ftsL, gidA), and DNA repair (dinG).
Taken together, significantly associated epistatic interactions often involved known antibiotic resistance loci. Of the interactions that did not involve known antibiotic resistance loci, some were found in genes associated with cell division, and oxidative stress. The majority of novel epistatic loci, however, were found in genes encoding inner- and outer-membrane proteins, or cell wall biosynthesis proteins that potentially affect N. gonorrhoeae’s permeability to antibiotics42–44.
Here, we report the results of the first systematic GWAS of loci and epistatic interactions affecting antimicrobial sensitivity and resistance in N. gonorrhoeae. As expected, we recover many known resistance-causing variants, and many of the epistatic interactions that we discovered involve known resistance-causing variants.
In our study, reported loci can cause either heightened sensitivity or greater resistance to antimicrobials. Examples for heightened sensitivity include loci in dldH and comF that are associated with CIPRO (Table 1). We also found several unreported variants and interactions that associate strongly with greater antibiotic resistance, including several variants in murE linked to CFX resistance and two interactions between gyrA and parC linked to CIPRO resistance. Each antibiotic showed distinct epistatic association patterns. While epistatic associations with CIPRO occurred in many genes, all epistatic associations with AZI involved a single resistance locus in 23S rRNA, and all epistatic associations with CFX involve loci in a few genes, mostly concentrated in the peptidoglycan synthesis gene penA. These observations suggest that the mechanism of CIPRO-induced death involves many genes across diverse cellular pathways, including oxidative stress, while the mechanism of CFX and AZI killing is focused on disabling peptidoglycan synthesis and 23S rRNA, respectively.
In principle, GWAS is able to identify causal variation. However, our study focuses only on point mutations found by comparison to the N. gonorrhoeae FA1090 reference genome. Thus, the effects of horizontally-transmitted genes and more complex variants such as gene duplications, indels, and mobile element transpositions will be missed. Some of these missing variants may be hidden yet causal variables that affect antibiotic resistance. If so, the effects of these missing variants will either be absent or will be associated to non-causative markers in our data that closely track the presence of the true, but missing, causal variants. We find some evidence of missing causal variables in our analysis as many epistatic associations are linked to genes that are highly variable in the genome alignment, such as transferrin-binding proteins45. Thus, it is possible that some associations involving highly variable genes are actually markers that represent the closest possible association to hidden causal variants. Nevertheless, our work demonstrates that evolutionary couplings combined with standard GWAS methods is a promising new approach for discovering epistatic interactions affecting antibiotic resistance in a multi-resistant pathogen, N. gonorrhoeae. The loci and interactions captured may support efforts in predicting antibiotic resistance from whole genome sequence data46. We anticipate that our findings as well as our method will be valuable in unraveling the genetics of complex traits in general.
D.S.M. conceived the project and supervised research; D.S.M, B.S and R.M designed and planned research; B.S. implemented the analysis methods; B.S. and R.M. analyzed data with the help of J.N., M.R.F., and D.S.M.; B.S., R.M, and D.S.M. wrote the paper. All authors reviewed and edited the manuscript.
Alignment construction and annotation
We used breseq1 to call variants in each isolate with reference to the Neisseria gonorrhoeae FA1090 genome. To identify variants in ribosomal rRNAs, we masked all except the first copy of the rRNA operon in the reference genome. We ran breseq in consensus-mode using the masked reference genome. We filtered variants in the consensus-mode runs for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), then mapped the SNPs onto the reference sequence using gdtools (part of breseq) to generate a genome alignment. We ran breseq in polymorphism-mode to infer the copy number of rRNA variants in each isolate. The FA1090 reference genome was used to annotate the location of coding regions (CDS) and other genomic features. Promoters and 5’ untranslated regions associated with experimentally determined RNA transcripts2 were annotated as follows. Regions bounded by the transcriptional start site and the location of the first gene on the transcript were annotated as 5’ untranslated regions, as long as the annotated region was no more than 150 nucleotides (nt) long. This decision rule was based on experimental results on the distribution of 5’ untranslated region lengths in Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa3. Sequences up to 70 nt upstream of the transcript (or, the end of the upstream gene on the same strand if within 70 nt) were annotated as promoters, following Remmele et al.2. The genome alignment was filtered for variants that occurred in at least 5 strains (0.5% minor allele frequency). Synonymous variants within CDS were excluded from the alignment.
Population structure analysis
We used FastTree4 to make an approximately maximum-likelihood phylogeny using a genome alignment of all 1,597 strains.
Genome-wide evolutionary couplings inference
To identify strongly coupled positions within a genome of length L, we fit a ą = 2 state undirected graphical model of the form:
using a multiple sequence alignment of N bacterial genomes. Minor alleles were encoded as ‘1’ and major alleles were encoded as ‘0’. To prevent overfitting, we used L2-regularized pseudolikelihood estimation, similar to previous work7–11. The regularization parameters for the site-specific term was set to λh = 0.01 and the pair-wise term was set to λe = λh(L – 1)q. To summarize the evolutionary couplings strength of each pair of loci, we use the Frobenius norm (FN)7:
Identification of highly evolutionarily coupled loci
To correct for undersampling and phylogenetic bias in the alignment, we adjusted the summarized FN-scores with an average-product correction (APC)12. Following Toth-Petroczy et al.11, a two-component mixture model was fitted to the corrected FN-score distribution to identify strongly evolutionarily coupled genomic loci:
Here π represents the mixing parameter; SN is a skew-normal distribution with location at 0 and unknown scale ω and shape parameters; and LN represents a log-normal distribution with unknown mean μ and variance σ. All evolutionary couplings (ECs) whose posterior probability of membership in the log-normal component pij is larger than 0.95 are deemed significant and used for later analysis.
Detection of antibiotic-resistant loci and co-evolutionarily coupled pairs
To test single-locus and epistatic associations to a specific phenotype, we employ a linear mixed model13, 14 of the following form:
with S: = [1, Xi,Xj, XiXj or S: = [1,Xi] denoting the design matrix with the locus or epistatic interaction of interest. The bacterial sequences are first binary-encoded in X with Xt = 0 as major and Xi = 1 as minor allele, and then standardized for the purpose of association testing.
represents the kernel matrix that is used to correct for population structure. Single-locus associations are tested for statistical significance using a Wald’s-test, while epistatic associations are tested using a likelihood-ratio test comparing the full interaction model to a null model disregarding the interaction effect. Bonferroni correction was used for multiple-testing correction at ± = 0.05.
The undirected graphical model was inferred using PLMC (https://github.com/deb-biemarkslab/plmc). The linear mixed model was implemented in Python and is based on Pylmm14. The remaining data analysis was performed in Python and Jupyter notebooks.
We thank members of the Marks lab and Chris Sander for his support during this research project. The authors declare no conflict of interest.