Carpal instability is defined as a condition where wrist motion or loading creates mechanical dysfunction, resulting in weakness, pain and decreased function. Often the diagnosis is made late when malalignment is visualized on static radiography, CT, or MRI. When conventional imaging methods do not identify the instability patterns, yet clinical signs associated with instability exist, the diagnosis of dynamic instability is often suggested to describe carpal derangement manifested only during the wrist’s active motion or stress. We addressed the question: can advanced MRI techniques provide quantitative measures for evaluating dynamic carpal instability and supplement standard static MRI acquisition? Our objectives were to [1] develop a real-time, three-dimensional MRI method to image the carpal joints during their active, uninterrupted motion; and [2] demonstrate feasibility of the method for assessing metrics relevant to dynamic carpal instability, thus overcoming limitations of conventional MRI. Twenty wrists (bilateral wrists of ten healthy participants) were scanned during radial-ulnar deviation and clenched-fist maneuvers. Images resulting from two real-time MRI pulse sequences, four sparse data acquisition schemes, and three constrained image reconstruction priors were compared. Image quality was assessed via blinded scoring by two radiologists and quantitative imaging metrics. Data acquisition employing sparse radial sampling with a gradient-recalled-echo acquisition and constrained iterative reconstruction (temporal resolution up to 135 ms per slice) appeared to provide a reasonable tradeoff between imaging speed and quality. This real-time MRI method effectively reduced streaking artifacts arising from data undersampling and enabled the derivation of quantitative measures pertinent to evaluating dynamic carpal instability.