Celiac disease is the most common food-induced enteropathy in humans with a prevalence of approximately 1% world-wide [1]. It is induced by digestion-resistant, proline- and glutamine-rich seed storage proteins, collectively referred to as “gluten,” found in wheat. Related prolamins are present in barley and rye. Both celiac disease and a related condition called non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) are increasing in incidence [2] [3]. This has prompted efforts to identify methods of lowering gluten in wheat, one of the most important cereal crops. Here we used BSR-seq (Bulked Segregant RNA-seq) and map-based cloning to identify the genetic lesion underlying a recessive, low prolamin mutation (lys3a) in diploid barley. We confirmed the mutant identity by complementing the lys3a mutant with a transgenic copy of the wild type barley gene and then used TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes) [4] to identify induced SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) in the three homoeologs of the corresponding wheat gene. Combining inactivating mutations in the three sub-genomes of hexaploid bread wheat in a single wheat line lowered gliadin and low molecular weight glutenin accumulation by 50-60% and increased free and protein-bound lysine by 33%. This is the first report of the combination of mutations in homoeologs of a single gene that reduces gluten in wheat.