Age-related differences in processing emotional stimuli are well established. However, previous studies have only assessed the impact of age on emotional processing and encoding in response to, not in anticipation of, emotional stimuli. In the current study, we investigated age-related differences in the impact of emotional anticipation on affective responses and episodic memory for emotional images. Young and older were scanned while encoding negative and neutral images preceded by cues that were either valid or invalid predictors of image valence. Participants were asked to rate the emotional intensity of the images and to complete an episodic recognition task immediately after scanning. Using multivariate behavioral partial least squares (PLS) analysis, we found that young and older adults recruit the same set of brain regions to differentially support emotional processing during the anticipation of emotional images. Specifically, anticipatory recruitment of the amygdala, ventromedial PFC, and hippocampus in older adults predicts reduced memory for negative than neutral images for older adults and the opposite for young adults. Seed PLS analyses further show inverse coupling between the amygdala and ventromedial PFC activation following negative cues, consistent with the top-down spontaneous suppression of negative affect. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to provide evidence that the “positivity effect” seen in older adults’ memory performance is related to the spontaneous suppression of negative affect in anticipation of, not just in response to, negative stimuli.