The contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CNTNAP2) gene is a member of the neurexin superfamily. CNTNAP2 was implicated in the cortical dysplasia-focal epilepsy (CDFE) syndrome, a recessive disease characterized by intellectual disability, epilepsy, language impairments and autistic features. Associated SNPs and heterozygous deletions in CNTNAP2 have also frequently been reported in autism, schizophrenia and other psychiatric or neurological disorders. We aim here to gain conclusive evidence for the role of CNTNAP2 in susceptibility to psychiatric disorders by the comprehensive analysis of large genomic datasets. In this study we used: i) summary statistics from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) GWAS; ii) examined all reported CNTNAP2 structural variants in patients and controls; iii) performed cross-disorder analysis of functional or previously associated SNPs; iv) and conducted burden tests for pathogenic rare variants using sequencing data (4,483 ASD and 6,135 schizophrenia cases, and 13,042 controls).
In a CNV mircroarray study, we previously identified a 131kb deletion in CNTNAP2 intron 1, removing a FOXP2 transcription factor binding site in an extended BD family. Here we perform a quantitative-PCR validation showing imperfect segregation with disease (5 bipolar disorder relatives). The distribution of CNVs across CNTNAP2 in psychiatric cases from previous reports was no different from controls of the database of genomic variants. Gene-based association testing did not implicate common variants in autism, schizophrenia or other psychiatric phenotypes. The association of proposed functional SNPs rs7794745 and rs2710102, reported to influence brain connectivity, was not replicated; nor did functional SNPs yield significant results in meta-analysis across psychiatric disorders. Disrupting CNTNAP2 rare variant burden was not higher in autism or schizophrenia compared to controls. This large comprehensive candidate gene study indicates that CNTNAP2 may not be a robust risk gene for psychiatric phenotypes.
AUTHOR SUMMARY Genetic mutations that disrupt both copies of the CNTNAP2 gene lead to severe disease, characterized by profound intellectual disability, epilepsy, language difficulties and autistic traits. Researchers hypothesized that this gene may also be involved in autism given some overlapping clinical features with this disease. Indeed, several large DNA deletions affecting one of the two copies of CNTNAP2 were found in some patients with autism, and later also in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, ADHD and epilepsy, suggesting that this gene was involved in several psychiatric or neurologic diseases. Other studies considered genetic sequence variations that are common in the general population, and suggested that two such sequence variations in CNTNAP2 predispose to psychiatric diseases by influencing the functionality and connectivity of the brain. In the current study, we report the deletion of one copy of CNTNAP2 in a patient with bipolar disorder from an extended family where five relatives were affected with this condition. To better understand the involvement of CNTNAP2 in risk of mental illness, we performed several genetic analyses using a series of large publically available or in-house datasets, comprising many thousands of patients and controls. Despite the previous consideration of CNTNAP2 as a strong candidate gene for autism or schizophrenia, we show that neither common, deletion nor ultra-rare variants in CNTNAP2 are likely to play a major role in risk of psychiatric diseases.