Although diversity-dependent plant-soil feedbacks (PSFs) may contribute significantly to plant diversity effects on ecosystem functioning, the influence of underlying abiotic and biotic mechanistic pathways have been little explored to date. Here, we assessed such pathways with a PSF experiment using soil conditioned for ≥12 years from two grassland biodiversity experiments. Model plant communities differing in diversity were grown in soils conditioned by plant communities with either low- or high-diversity (soil history). Our results reveal that plant diversity can modify plant productivity through both diversity-mediated plant-plant and plant-soil interactions, with the main driver (current plant diversity or soil history) differing with experimental context. The underlying mechanisms of PSFs were explained to a significant extent by both abiotic and biotic pathways (specifically, nematode richness and soil nitrogen availability). Thus, effects of plant diversity loss on ecosystem functioning may persist or even increase over time because of biotic and abiotic soil legacy effects.
Statement of authorship: N.E. conceived the idea, N.G-R and N.E developed the idea, P.B contributed with the first experimental phase, N.G-R implemented the study and collected data with the help of M.C. N. G-R analyzed the data and wrote the paper with substantial input from all authors.
email: kirana1015{at}gmail.com, email: preich{at}umn.edu, Email: camwagg{at}hotmail.com, Email: ciobanumarcel{at}yahoo.co.uk, Email: nico.eisenhauer{at}idiv.de