While small mammals and neonates are able to maintain an optimal body temperature (Tb) independent of ambient conditions by producing heat via nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) in the brown adipose tissue (BAT), larger mammals and other mammals lacking BAT were long believed to rely primarily on shivering and behavioural adaptations. However, recently, a second mechanism of NST was found in skeletal muscle that could play an important role in thermoregulation of such species. Muscle NST is independent of muscle contractions and produces heat based on the activity of an ATPase pump in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SERCA1a) and controlled by the protein sarcolipin. To evaluate whether muscle NST could indeed play an important role in thermoregulation in species lacking BAT, we investigated the thermogenic capacities of new-born wild boar piglets. During cold exposure over the first 5 days of life, total heat production was improved while shivering intensity decreased, indicating an increasing contribution of NST. Sampling skeletal muscle tissue for analyses of SERCA activity as well as gene expression of SERCA1a and sarcolipin, we found an age-related increase in all three variables as well as in Tb. Hence, the improved thermogenesis during the development of wild boars is not due to shivering but explained by the observed increase in SERCA activity. Our results suggest that muscle NST may be the primary mechanism of heat production during cold stress in large mammals lacking BAT, strengthening the hypothesis that muscle NST has likely played an important role in the evolution of endothermy.