It was the impression from past literature that Wolbachia is not naturally found in Ae. aegypti. However, there are have been reports that recently reveals the presence of this endosymbiont in this mosquito vector. With this, our study presents additional support of Wolbachia infection in Ae. aegypti by screening field-collected adult mosquitoes using Wolbachiaspecific 16S rDNA and its surface protein (wsp) makers under optimized PCR conditions. From a total of 672 Ae. aegpyti adult mosquito samples collected in Metropolitan Manila, Philippines, 113 (16.8%) and 89 (13.2%) individual mosquito samples were determined to be Wolbachia infected using the wsp and 16S rDNA markers, respectively. The Ae. aegpyti wsp sample sequences were similar or identical to five known Wolbachia strains belonging to supergroups A or B while majority of 16S rDNA sample sequences were similar to strains belonging to supergroup B. Overall, 80 (11.90%) individual mosquito samples revealed to show positive amplifications in both markers and 69.0% showed congruence in supergroup identification (supergroup B). Our findings illustrate that the infection status of Wolbachia in Ae. aegypti may appear common than previously recognized.
Mosquitoes are considered to be medically important insects because of their capacity to carry notable human disease pathogens1. Among the known mosquito vectors, Aedes aegypti is an efficient and dangerous mosquito vector because of its ability to carry significant arboviral diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya, Yellow Fever and Zika2,3. Despite the development of vaccines, these arboviral diseases are considered to be the leading cause of global disease burden4and thus, targeting the mosquito vector is deemed to be the primary control and prevention. A considerable number of vector control strategies had been implemented, but the disease burden continues to increase. Novel and newer approaches are being developed that shows promising outcomes in vector and disease control and one of which is the utilization of the intracellular bacterial endosymbiont, Wolbachia7-9.
Wolbachia is a naturally occurring endosymbiont which can be maternally inherited and cause different reproductive alterations in its host to increase their transmission to the next generation10-12. In insects, it is estimated to be naturally present in 60-65% of known species13. As to date, there are 17 identified major clades or supergroups (A-Q) where a majority are known to infect arthropods such as insects, arachnids, and crustaceans14. The pathogenic effects of Wolbachia in its host are well-studied and determined to cause spermegg incompatibility, parthenogenesis, cytoplasmic incompatibility, and feminization11,15. Therefore, utilizing these effects towards medically-important mosquito vectors, such as Ae. aegypti, has taken great research strides in the past two decades. The discovery of a virulent Wolbachia strain (wMelPop) in Drosophila melanogaster was successfully transferred to Ae. aegypti where it reduced the lifespan of the mosquito vector16-18. In addition to this, wMelPop and other Wolbachia strains (e.g., wMel) were able to demonstrate conferring resistance on a wide range of insect viruses, especially to human viral pathogens, such as dengue and chikungunya19-22. The life-shortening capability plus pathogen interference of this Wolbachia strain opened an avenue for its potential use as a biological control agent approach against mosquito-borne diseases. The World Mosquito Program (https://www.worldmosquitoprogram.org), formerly known as the Eliminate Dengue Project, was able to generate stable Wolbachia-infected Ae. aegypti lines that possessed the ability of pathogen interference from dengue viruses under laboratory conditions. These Wolbachia strains showed maternal transmission rates close to 100% and induced high levels of cytoplasmic incompatibility to Ae. aegypti16. Semi-field cage experiments were also conducted to assess the fitness cost effect of the discovered strain towards the mosquito vector and its ability of these strains to invade the mosquito population. These experiments demonstrated the true potential of the endosymbiont because of the reduced fecundity of Wolbachia-infected Ae. aegypti as compared to the uninfected wildtype22. Australia became the first country to release these Wolbachia-infected Ae. aegypti into the wild population where it exhibited promising results23,24. As to date, this methodological strategy against the mosquito vector, Ae. aegypti, is now being tested in eight dengue-endemic countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Colombia, and Brazil (https://www.worldmosquitoprogram.org). It claimed this approach is considered to be cost-effective and safer for the environment than conventional insecticide-based measures19,25.
With the recognition of about 65% of known insects to be naturally infected with Wolbachia including those mosquito species from the genera of Aedes, Culex, Mansonia, major mosquito vectors of diseases such as Ae. aegypti and Anopheline mosquitoes were reported not to possess this endosymbiont26-31. It led to the belief that the presence of Wolbachia endosymbiont could be the reason why many of the mosquito species are considered to be weak vectors23. Nonetheless, more recent studies show evidence that Wolbachia infection in Ae. aegypti and Anopheles gambiae may appear to be more common than it was previously recognized. Natural Wolbachia infections have now been reported in adult, larvae and egg populations of An. gambiae32-34.
Lately, studies have reported detecting Wolbachia from field-collected Ae. aegypti samples using either wsp marker35or 16S metabarcoding36-37. Though these studies are commendable, there were still uncertainties in establishing whether the mosquito vector does harbor naturally the endosymbiont. Although metabarcoding studies had a substantial sample size (n=85-270), there were unable to report an accurate estimate of the infection rate because mosquito adult or larval samples were pooled from each location. In contrast, wsp detection in Ae. aegypti larval samples35were screened individually, thus, was able to report the infection rate (50.0%). However, it was difficult to affirm or ascertain its true prevalence since the sample size was small (n=16 individuals). Moreover, there is possibility of a potential bias in reporting a high infection rate if larval samples were collected from the same water container due to the sampling of mosquito siblings from the same female mosquito. Nevertheless, these studies further suggest the likelihood of Wolbachia to be naturally associated with Ae. aegypti, thus, opening an avenue to re-visit or re-examine its infection status.
Our study aims to present additional support of Wolbachia infection found from fieldcollected Ae. aegypti adult mosquitoes using Wolbachia-specific 16S rDNA and the Wolbachia surface protein (wsp) markers. Based on the limitations presented from previous studies, two considerations were applied in addressing these gaps. First, Wolbachia screening was done over a large sample size (n=672) and used an individual-based detection of adult Ae. aegypti mosquitoes to gain a better estimate of its prevalence in this mosquito vector. Secondly, two molecular markers were used to confirm the detection status and infer the type of Wolbachia strains found in Ae aegypti.
Study area and Mosquito collection
The study area is the National Capital Region of the Philippines or also known as Metropolitan Manila. Located on the Eastern shore of Manila Bay in Southwestern Luzon Island (14°50′ N Latitude, 121°E Longitude), it is considered to be one of the highly urbanized and densely populated areas in the Philippines. Dengue disease is endemic in this region where it accounts for 15%-25% of the total number of reported Dengue cases annually in 2009 201438. Vector control programs are being implemented in various localities of the region. Insecticide application and cleaning of the surroundings have been extensively used however its effectiveness is in question because of the constant and unchanging burden of the disease. As to date, the Philippines, especially Metropolitan Manila, has never conducted any Wolbachia-based program against Ae. aegypti.
Adult mosquito samples were collected using a commercial branded mosquito UVlight trap (Jocanima®) installed in the outdoor premises of 138 residential households (sampling sites) from May 2014 – January 2015 (Figure 1a). Collected samples were then sorted and identified as Ae. aegypti using available keys39. Each sample was then placed in a tube with 99.5% ethanol for preservation. A total of 672 Ae. aegypti adult mosquito samples were collected, identified, labeled accordingly (See Supplementary Table 1) and stored at 20°C for subsequent processing.
(a) Spatial distribution of the sampling sites (n=138) for collecting adult Ae. aegypti. Wolbachia-positive sampling sites based on wsp (b) and 16S rDNA (c). Details of the number of Wolbachia-positive mosquitoes per sampling site is found in the Table S1.
DNA Extraction, Polymerase Chain Reaction, and Sequencing
Total genomic DNA of each mosquito individual was extracted using the QIAGEN Blood and Tissue DNEasy Kit© following a modified protocol40. Our study used two molecular markers for detecting Wolbachia infection namely; wsp41 and 16S rDNA42. The primer sequences are as follows: wsp 81F (5′TGG TCC AAT AAG TGA TGA AGA AAC) and wsp 691R (5′ AAA AAT TAA ACG CTA CTC CA) for wsp marker while Wspecf (AGC TTC GAG TGA AAC CAA TTC) and Wspecr (GAA GAT AAT GAC GGT ACT CAC) for 16S rDNA.
For wsp gene amplification, we followed the standard wsp protocol30where the suggested annealing temperature and number of cycles were 55 °C and 30 cycles respectively. In order to conduct an individual-based detection, we initially performed this protocol in Culex quinquefasciatus as our positive control. Certain modifications were made in the standard protocol based on the results where the annealing temperature was set to 57 °C and the number of cycles increased to 35 cycles. This initial modified protocol was performed in individual Ae. aegypti samples where it yielded positive faint bands. It prompted us to remodify again the protocol where the annealing temperature is set at 59 °C with 40 cycles and the addition of 10% DMSO (Sigma-Aldrich®) that led to desirable results necessary for sequencing. Therefore, a 10 μl final reaction volume was used and composed of 10X buffer (TAKARA®), 25 mM MgCl2, 10 mM of each dNTPs, 10 μ M forward and reverse primers, 10% DMSO (Sigma-Aldrich®) and 5.0U/ μl of Taq DNA polymerase (TAKARA®). The final thermal profile consisted an initial denaturation of 95 °C for 3 minutes, followed by another denaturation temperature of 95 °C for 1 minute, an annealing temperature of 59 °C for 1 minute and an extension temperature of 72 °C for 1 minute for 40 cycles, and accompanied by a final extension temperature at 72 °C for 3 minutes.
On the other hand, 16S rDNA gene amplification used a 10 μl final reaction volume and composed of 10X buffer (TAKARA), 25 mM MgCl2, 10 mM of each dNTPs, 10 μM forward and reverse primers, 10% DMSO (Sigma-Aldrich®) and 5.0U/ μL of Taq DNA polymerase (TAKARA®). Thermal profiles follow the protocol of Simões et al42with initial denaturation temperature at 95 °C for 2 minutes, followed by two cycles of 95 °C for 2 minutes of denaturation, annealing temperature of 60 °C for 1 minutes and extension temperature of 72 °C for 1 minute, afterwards 35 cycles of denaturation of 95 °C for 30 seconds, annealing temperature of 60 °C for 1 minute and extension temperature of 72 °C for45 seconds and final extension at 72 °C for 10 minutes.
All PCR amplification experiments included positive and negative controls. The positive control is a Wolbachia-infected Cu. quinquefasciatus sample while the negative control consisted of water as the template. The product size of each molecular marker was checked through electrophoresis with 1.5% agarose gel set at 100 volts for 30 minutes. The size of the amplified wsp gene is 610 bp while the 16S rDNA gene is 438 bp. PCR amplification process underwent two replicates to validate the results obtained (See Supplementary Table 1). A third screening was performed for selected individual samples that had conflicting results based on the two prior replicates. Therefore, the criteria set in reporting the certainty for Wolbachia infection is based on two successful amplification of the molecular markers. Amplified PCR products from each molecular marker were sent for sequencing to Eurofins, Operon – Tokyo.
Identity of Wolbachia strains and their positions in phylogroups
All sequences were subjected to the Nucleotide Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) and compared to deposited Wolbachia sequences in GENBANK. Next, selected sequences of Wolbachia strains (Table 1) and those obtained in the study underwent multiple alignment using Clustal W in MEGA 643. After editing, the final length used for phylogenetic inference analyses was 398 bp and 732 bp for wsp and 16S rDNA respectively. The identities and relationships of the Wolbachia strains obtained in our study were determined by performing the Bayesian method in PhyML 3.0 software with 1000 bootstrap replicates44. The Smart Model Selection45 was also utilized to set the parameters for wsp as GTR+G (number of estimated parameters k = 232, Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) = 4897.31702) and 16S rDNA as GTR+G+1 (number of estimated parameters k = 207, Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) = 5332.88688). All sample sequences were submitted to GENBANK with Accession numbers____ - _____.
Representative Wolbachia type sequences from different insect hosts in wsp and 16S rDNA molecular markers.
Statistical Analysis
A Clark-Evans test was performed to determine if the spatial distribution of Wolbachia-positive mosquito samples from each molecular marker have a pattern of complete spatial randomness. The test uses the aggregation index (R) where a value of > 1 suggests an ordered distribution and a value of < 1 suggests clustering. This analysis was performed using R program version 3.3.546under package spatstat 46
Detection of Wolbachia through wsp and its phylogeny
From a total of 672 adult Ae. aegypti screened, 113 (16.8%) individual adult mosquito samples are infected with Wolbachia using the wsp marker (Table 2). Based on the study’s criterion (See methods), only 17 samples demonstrated one successful amplification, thus excluding them for further analysis. In addition, female/male ratio is 0.82 (Table 2). All sequenced amplicons resulted in a high degree of similarity (>98.0%) with deposited wsp sequences in GENBANK. The spatial distribution showed that 60 (43.0%) sampling sites (Figure 1b) contained Wolbachia positive mosquitoes with 1 – 8 individuals. Further analysis showed that the distribution of wsp-positive mosquito samples was significantly clustered (R = 0.003,p < 0.001). Figure 2 and Figure S1 show the phylogeny of Wolbachia sequences based on wsp sequences. Majority of the sequences were found in supergroup B (n=84) while the remaining were clustered in supergroup A (n=29). Based on descending order of sample sizes, sample sequences in supergroup B were identical (>99.0%) to Wolbachia type strains from selected hosts of Ae. albopictus (wAlbB) (n= 51), Cu. quinquefasciatus, Cu. pipiens (wPip), Ae. aegypti wMel strain (n= 23) and Ephestia cautella (wCau) (n= 10). The sample sequences from supergroup A were either similar (98.0-99.0%) (n = 8) or identical (>99.0%) (n= 21) to the type strain (wAlbA) from host Ae. albopictus.
Summary of wsp and 16S rDNA detection results in Ae. aegypti
Phylogenic analysis of wsp. The alignment was analyzed in PhyML. Sample sequences of Ae.aegypti collected in Metropolitan Manila are in red, labeled as AAML (Ae. aegypti Metropolitan ManiLa) and alphanumeric values indicate the unique code assigned to each Ae. aegypti individual sample. Merging (triangles) of sample and representative Wolbachia sequences was done to show degree of similarity (98-100%). Supergroups were indicated as A – C depending on the representative sequences used. The phylogenetic trees are re-drawn for better visualization, thus an expanded version can be viewed in Supplemental Figure S1. Please refer to Table 1 for the Wolbachia type sequences (ingroup and outgroup) for both markers.
Detection of Wolbachia through 16S rDNA and its phylogeny
For 16S rDNA, 89 (13.2%) individual adult mosquito samples were infected with Wolbachia (Table 2). 20 individual mosquito samples generated one successful 16S rDNA amplification, thus, excluding them for further analysis. Furthermore, female/male ratio is 0.85 (Table 2). 50 (36.0%) sampling sites (Figure 1c) contained Wolbachia-positive mosquitoes ranging from 1-8 individuals and the distribution of 16SrDNA-positive individuals revealed to be clustered or aggregated (R = 0.001,p < 0.001). All sequenced amplicons resulted in a high degree of similarity (>98%) with deposited 16S rDNA Wolbachia sequences in GENBANK. Nearly all 16S rDNA sample sequences (n=85) (Figure 3, Figure S2) were grouped in supergroup B. Only one sample sequence was identical to Nasonia vitripennis while the remaining sample sequences were up to 99% similar from the selected hosts of the supergroup. The remaining sample sequences (n=4) were grouped in supergroup C & J. One sample sequence was highly similar (>99%) with Dirofilaria immitis while the remaining were 98-99% similar from the selected hosts of the supergroup.
Phylogenic analysis of 16S rDNA. The alignment was analyzed in PhyML. Sample sequences of Ae.aegypti collected in Metropolitan Manila are in red, labeled as AAML (Ae. aegypti Metropolitan ManiLa) and alphanumeric values indicate the unique code assigned to each Ae. aegypti individual sample. Merging (triangles) of sample and representative Wolbachia sequences was done to show degree of similarity (98-100%). Supergroups were indicated as A – J depending on the representative sequences used. The phylogenetic trees are re-drawn for better visualization, thus an expanded version can be viewed in Supplemental Figure S2. Please refer to Table 1 for the Wolbachia type sequences (ingroup and outgroup) for both markers.
Comparison of 16S rDNA and wsp for Wolbachia detection and phylogeny
From the 113 and 89 positively detected mosquito individuals from wsp and 16S rDNA respectively, 80 (11.90%) individual samples yielded positive amplification in both markers (Table 2). In wsp positive detection (n=113), 80 had two successful amplification of the 16S rDNA marker while 27 had only one amplification of 16S rDNA and the remaining 6 had no successful amplification on 16S rDNA marker. On the other hand, the 89 individual samples deemed 16S rDNA positive for Wolbachia showed 80 individuals had two successful amplification of the wsp marker while 9 had only one successful amplification on the said marker. Next, we focus on the supergroup classification of the 80 individual samples based on the wsp and 16S rDNA phylogeny. It was shown that 55 (69%) had the same classification in supergroup B while the remaining 25 (31%) showed a disparity in supergroup classification. Such difference, for example, showed that wsp identified the individual sample as supergroup A, but 16S rDNA reveals to be either supergroup B or C & J.
Our study was able to demonstrate the detection of the endosymbiont Wolbachia in field-caught adult Ae. aegypti. Notably, the main reason for the positive detection, especially in wsp, is because of the procedural modifications or optimization in the amplification of the said marker. A case in point, for example, why optimization is necessary is the evidence presented in the malaria mosquito vector, An. gambiae. Previous studies had reported no observed natural Wolbachia infection in this mosquito vector26-31; however, the endosymbiont was successfully detected in An. gambiae from Burkina Faso, West Africa using an optimized wsp protocol32,33. Another potential reason for a positive detection was the study’s sample size. Based on several literature on assessing the prevalence of Wolbachia in different mosquito species, the highest number of Ae. aegypti individuals screened was 11930which resulted in non-detection of the endosymbiont. As compared to the actual study (n= 672), the sample sizes from previous studies were low; thus, larger sample size would provide a more accurate estimate of the prevalence of Wolbachia infection. Similarly, these reasons were clearly emphasized by recent studies on why earlier investigations may have underestimated the actual incidence of Wolbachia infection from different insect hosts48,49.
Our study acknowledges the uncertainties associated with conventional PCR detection such as high false positive detection rates. With this in mind, the study was cautious in affirming a positive infection in each Ae. aegypti adult sample. First, the selection of markers is based on the recommendation of Simoes et al.42that two of its preferred primer sets (e.g. Wspecf and Wspecr) was determined to produce the lowest false positive and false negative rates. Secondly, our study performed replications with a stringent criterion for a successful Wolbachia infection on each mosquito sample. Although there are several genetic markers (e.g. MLST genes) and techniques (e.g. IFA, FISH or whole-genome sequencing) available, the primary intention of this study is to detect Wolbachia infection in Ae. aegypti initially using this PCR-Based approach.
Linking our findings with the previous studies35-37which reported Wolbachia in Ae. aegypti may incidentally provide a clear picture of its infection status. First, the probable density of the endosymbiont found in this mosquito vector may be low. Even though our study did not measure the actual density, a 40-cycle PCR amplification procedure or a long PCR run50may detect a small amount of Wolbachia present. It partly supports the results presented from metabarcoding studies36,37where a low number (2-4) of Wolbachia sequence reads were detected in both the larvae and adult Ae. aegypti mosquito. These can be another potential reason why earlier prevalence studies were not able to detect Wolbachia in Ae. aegypti samples. Moreover, the low probable density of the endosymbiont may also translate to the observed low infection rate (13-16%) found in our study. This again partly supports metabarcoding studies36,37where only two Ae. aegypti mosquito pools had the presence of these low number Wolbachia sequences. On the other hand, our results are in contrast with the report from Ae. aegypti larvae (n=16 individuals) in Malaysia which resulted in a 50% infection rate35. However, there could be some uncertainties to this estimate because of its small sample size and, more importantly, the collected larval samples may be siblings from the same female Ae. aegypti mosquito. The limitation as mentioned earlier prompted us to conduct an individual-based adult mosquito detection so that it can present a better and explicit estimation of the infection rate. Secondly, we assume that the Wolbachia strain/s found in Ae. aegypti can be maternally-inherited due to the following reasons: (a) reported positive infections in larval samples from the previous studies35-37and (b) detecting positive infections in male Ae. aegypti mosquitoes (our study, Table 2). However, there is still a need to present direct evidence of maternal transmission of this endosymbiont during thedevelopmental stages of Ae. aegypti since all studies, including ours, were performed independently.
Lastly, the Wolbachia strains infecting Ae. aegypti have been shown in our study belong to supergroups A and B. Both wsp and 16S rDNA phylogeny showed that majority of the individual samples belong to supergroup B while a small number of individual samples were found in supergroup A (based on wsp). Detecting different Wolbachia strains in a single mosquito species is relatively common especially in medically important mosquitoes, Ae. albopictus51,52 and An. gambiae32, and other insect host species (e.g. Drosophila species51). Since our study presented a majority of our sample sequences belonging to supergroup B, this was also the same observation reported by previous studies35-37. Dipterans, especially mosquitoes, are commonly infected by these Wolbachia strains from supergroups, A and B. It has been shown to cause parasitism towards its insect host by producing phenotype effects such as cytoplasmic incompatibility, male killing, and feminization11,53. Nevertheless, whether the identified Wolbachia strains in Ae. aegypti possess these phenotypic effects remains unclear. Also, further studies are needed to ascertain the pathogenic impact of this local endosymbiont to the mosquito vector. More importantly, it is very essential to determine whether these identified Wolbachia strains could render Ae. aegypti a less effective vector by blocking key arboviruses such as dengue. It is also worth mentioning that some individual samples have shown to be similar with Wolbachia strains found in supergroups C and J based on 16S rDNA. These two supergroups are not generally found in dipterans especially in mosquitoes. It is likely that our 16S rDNA amplified the Wolbachia strain residing in the roundworm, Dirofilaria immitis. Ae. aegpyti mosquitoes are also known to carry this parasitic nematode to certain mammals, such as dogs54. This observation was also reported in one of the metabarcoding studies37that showed sequences of Wolbachia from Dirofilaria immitis. However, when these 16S rDNA results were compared to the wsp results in our study, it showed the Wolbachia wsp sample sequence of the same mosquito individuals belong to supergroup B. We can only infer that the inconsistent results observed in our study may stem towards the sensitivity and specificity of the markers used. The wsp gene marker has been likened to antigen protein typing in screening pathogenic bacteria where it can be a perfect diagnostic tool for detecting Wolbachia infection55,56. However, it is unsuitable for phylogenetic analysis or deeper taxonomic relationship because of its extensive recombination and strong diversifying selection11,57,58. 16S rDNA, on the other hand, is known to be a conserved gene highly suited in bacterial identification and phylogeny, but its use in detecting Wolbachia infection has demonstrated varying results depending on the specific 16S rDNA primers42. It was emphasized that “no single protocol” can ultimately ensure the specificity and accuracy of 16S rDNA to detect Wolbachia infection56. Thus, further claiming that 16S rDNA markers in Wolbachia detection may be far from optimal56.
We consider our findings to be crucially important especially if the Philippines would implement or approve two scenarios in the release of: (a) Wolbachia-infected (e.g. wMelPop or wMel) mosquitoes or (b) local Wolbachia strains found by our study in dengue-endemic areas. In the first scenario, a vital consideration is the presence of “bidirectional incompatibility” mechanism between the intended Wolbachia strain (e.g. wMelPop or wMel) to be released and the present local strain found in the mosquito. There are instances that two strains in one host cannot stably coexist with each other because the naturally occurring strain is preventing the intended strain to reach fixation or establishment59-61. It would serve as an impediment to the intentional spread of Wolbachia strain to the mosquito population. It was suggested that to overcome this incompatibility is to remove the existing natural strain inhabiting the mosquito vector or to perform a “superinfection” where the intended Wolbachia strain induces unidirectional incompatibility with the natural strain62. Nevertheless, it very important to re-examine the infection status of Wolbachia in Ae. aegypti mosquitoes in intended areas prior a mass release program. If the second scenario, utilizing the release of local Wolbachia strains, is implemented, there are specific considerations that should be addressed for a successful population replacement. The first and most important consideration is to determine whether these local strains may exhibit the same phenotypic effects and pathogen blocking of wMel strain to Ae. aegypti. Currently, these characteristics are still unknown and therefore crucial if utilized for mass release. Another consideration is endosymbiont’s density in the mosquito vector. Mosquito species naturally infected with Wolbachia are not ideal candidates due to the changing molecular interactions between Wolbachia and the host over time63. The result of this symbiosis is the amount of bacterial density found in the mosquito host where it can influence the intensity of Wolbachia-induced phenotypic or anti-viral effects22,62,64,65. Newer infections (e.g. tansinfections) are shown to produce high bacterial density while natural infections lead to lower bacterial density due to the adaptation of the host to the endosymbiont infection over time. In our study, we infer that the local Wolbachia strains are in low density inside its host, Ae. aegypti. If this is the case, it will result in a reduced physiological and anti-viral impact of the strain to the mosquito vector. However, high Wolbachia density which also possesses strong inhibitory effects against insect viruses had been observed from natural Wolbachia strains with a long-term association from its host66,67. The last consideration is the low infection rate. It raises the question, more importantly to the population replacement approach, if any of the local Wolbachia strains could be sustained for an extended period or possess the ability to infect the mosquito population thoroughly. Studies had suggested that a successful strain used in population replacement or invasion should reach an infection rate of >90% and should remain at this rate over an extended period of time68-70. Thus, utmost consideration in the infection status of Wolbachia and its role in Ae. aegypti is necessary for a Wolbachia-based vector control program to be successful, efficient and, as well as, effective.
T.M.C., D.M.A. and K.W. designed the experiments. T.M.C., K.H., and R.K.H. performed the experiments. T.M.C., K.H., and R.K.H. performed the sequencing while T.M.C., K.W. and D.M.A. accomplished the phylogenetic analysis. T.M.C. wrote the manuscript along with and K.W. All authors reviewed the manuscript and approved on its submission.
The authors declare no competing interest
Demographic profiles (location and sex) and detection status from each individual Ae. aegypti adult mosquito used in the study are presented in the Supplementary. Accession numbers of Nucleotide sequences of PCR-amplified fragments of wsp and 16S have been deposited in the GENBANK nucleotide database under accession numbers ______to ______and _____to ______respectively.
Table S1. Demographic profile (Sex, Sampling Site Code, Location), Detection status (wsp and 16S rDNA) of all individual adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes used in the study. Positive Wolbachia infection in mosquito samples presents the supergroup classification and GENBANK accession number.
Figure S1. Complete wsp phylogeny of Wolbachia from Ae. aegypti (n=113). The alignment was analyzed in the program PHYML and Wolbachia host Dirofilaria immitis was selected as an outgroup. All sample sequences are indicated in red dots. The condensed version of this tree is presented as Figure 1.
Figure S2. Complete 16S rDNA phylogeny of Wolbachia from Ae. aegypti (n=85). The alignment was analyzed in the program PHYML and Rickettsia sp. was selected as an outgroup. All sample sequences are indicated in red dots. The condensed version of this tree is presented as Figure 2
We would like to thank M.J.L.B. Martinez, J.D.R. Capistrano, V.S.P. Tiopianco, B.M.C Orantia, C.R. Estrada, M.G. Cuenca, K.M. Viacrusis and L.F.T. Hernandez for their valuable work in the collection of the mosquitoes. Also we are grateful to the valuable and pertinent comments of the anonymous reviewers. This work is funded by the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (16H05750, 17H01624, 17K18906), JSPS Bilateral Joint Research Projects, and Leading Academia in Marine and Environmental Pollution Research – Ehime University (Y29-1-8)