Many important situations require human observers to simultaneously search for more than one object. Despite a long history of research into visual search, the behavioral and neural mechanisms associated with this ability are poorly understood. Here we test the novel theory that efficient multiple target search critically depends on the mode of cognitive control that the environment affords to the observer. To investigate this, we used an innovative combination of EEG and eye-tracking while participants searched for two targets, within two different contexts: Either observers were free to select any of the two targets, thus enabling proactive control over selection; or only one of the two targets would be present in the search display, which, if the wrong target is prioritized, requires reactive control to reconfigure selection. During proactive control, both univariate and multivariate signals reflecting pre-stimulus suppression of beta-band power (15–35 Hz) predicted switches between target selections. This signal originated over midfrontal and sensorimotor regions and has previously been associated with endogenous state changes. In contrast, imposed target selections requiring reactive control elicited prefrontal power enhancements in the delta/theta-band (2–8 Hz), but only after display onset. This signal predicted individual differences in associated oculomotor switch costs, consistent with a reactive reconfiguration of target selection. These results provide compelling evidence that multiple target representations are differentially prioritized during visual search, and for the first time reveal distinct neural mechanisms underlying proactive and reactive control over multiple target search.
Significance Statement Searching for more than one object in complex visual scenes can be detrimental for search performance. While perhaps annoying in daily life, this can have severe consequences in professional settings such as medical and security screening. Previous research has not yet resolved whether multiple target search involves changing priorities in what people attend to, and how such changes are controlled. We approached these questions by concurrently measuring cortical activity and eye movements using EEG and eye-tracking, while observers searched for multiple possible targets. Our findings provide the first unequivocal support for the existence of two modes of control during multiple target search, which are expressed in qualitatively distinct time-frequency signatures of the EEG both before and after visual selection.