A conceptual paradigm for onset of a new disease is often considered to be the result of changes in entire biological networks whose states are affected by a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors. However, when modelling a relevant phenotype as a function of high dimensional measurements, power to estimate interactions is low, the number of possible interactions could be enormous and their effects may be non-linear. In this work, we introduce a method called sail for detecting non-linear interactions with a key environmental or exposure variable in high-dimensional settings which respects the strong or weak heredity constraints. We prove that asymptotically, our method possesses the oracle property, i.e., it performs as well as if the true model were known in advance. We develop a computationally efficient fitting algorithm with automatic tuning parameter selection, which scales to high-dimensional datasets. Through an extensive simulation study, we show that sail outperforms existing penalized regression methods in terms of prediction accuracy and support recovery when there are non-linear interactions with an exposure variable. We apply sail to detect non-linear interactions between genes and a prenatal psychosocial intervention program on cognitive performance in children at 4 years of age. Results show that individuals who are genetically predisposed to lower educational attainment are those who stand to benefit the most from the intervention. Our algorithms are implemented in an R package available on CRAN (https://cran.r-project.org/package=sail).
1. Introduction
Computational approaches to variable selection have become increasingly important with the advent of high-throughput technologies in genomics and brain imaging studies, where the data has become massive, yet where it is believed that the number of truly important variables is small relative to the total number of variables. Although many approaches have been developed for main effects, there is an enduring interest in powerful methods for estimating interactions, since interactions may reflect important modulation of a genomic system by an external factor and vice versa (Bhatnagar, Yang, Khundrakpam, Evans, Blanchette, Bouchard and Greenwood, 2018).
Interactions may occur in numerous types and of varying complexities. In this paper, we consider one specific type of interaction model, where one exposure variable E is involved in possibly non-linear interactions with a high-dimensional set of measures X leading to effects on a response variable, Y. We propose a multivariable penalization procedure for detecting non-linear interactions between X and E. Our method is motivated by the Nurse Family Partnership (NFP); a program of prenatal and infancy home visiting by nurses for low-income mothers and their children (Olds, Henderson Jr, Cole, Eckenrode, Kitzman, Luckey, Pettitt, Sidora, Morris and Powers, 1998). In this intervention, NFP nurses guided pregnant women and parents of young children to improve the outcomes of pregnancy, their children’s health and development, and their economic self-sufficiency, with the goal of reducing disparities over the life-course. Early intervention in young children has been shown to positively impact intellectual abilities (Campbell and Ramey, 1994), and more recent studies have shown that cognitive performance is also strongly influenced by genetic factors (Rietveld, Medland, Derringer, Yang, Esko, Martin, Westra, Shakhbazov, Abdellaoui, Agrawal et al., 2013). Given the important role of both environment and genetics, we are interested in finding interactions between these two components on cognitive function in children.
1.1. A sparse additive interaction model
Let be a continuous outcome variable, a binary or continous environment/exposure vector of known importance, and a vector of additional predictors, possibly high-dimensional. Assume that we have n observations of each quantity denoted by , and . Furthermore let fj: be a smoothing method for variable Xj by a projection on to a set of basis functions:
Here, the are a family of basis functions in Xj (Hastie, Tibshirani and Wainwright, 2015). Let Ψj be the n×mj matrix of evaluations of the ψjℓ and for j = 1,…, p (θj is a mj-dimensional column vector of basis coefficients for the j th main effect). In this article we consider an additive interaction regression model of the form where is the intercept, is the coefficient for the environment variable, are the basis coefficients for the jth interaction term, (XE◦ψj) is the n × mj matrix formed by the component-wise multiplication of the column vector XE by each column of Ψj, and is a vector of i.i.d errors with mean zero and finite variance. Here we assume that p is large relative to n, and particularly that is large. Due to the large number of parameters to estimate with respect to the number of observations, one commonly-used approach in the penalization literature is to shrink the regression coefficients by placing a constraint on the values of (βE, θj, τj). Certain constraints have the added benefit of producing a sparse model in the sense that many of the coefficients will be set exactly to 0 (Bühlmann and Van De Geer, 2011). Such a reduced predictor set can lead to a more interpretable model with smaller prediction variance, albeit at the cost of having biased parameter estimates (Fan, Han and Liu, 2014). In light of these goals, consider the following penalized objective function: where Φ = (β0,βE, θ1,…, θp, τ1,…, τp), L(Φ) is the log-likelihood function of the observations Vi = (Yi,Ψi,XiE) for and α ∈ (0, 1) are adjustable tuning parameters, wE, wj, wjE are non-negative penalty factors for j = 1…, p which serve as a way of allowing parameters to be penalized differently (see Algorithm 2 for more details on how to estimate these weights). The first term in the penalty penalizes the main effects while the second term penalizes the interactions. The parameter α controls the relative weight on the two penalties. Note that we do not penalize the intercept.
An issue with (3) is that since no constraint is placed on the structure of the model, it is possible that an estimated interaction term is non-zero while the corresponding main effects are zero. While there may be certain situations where this is plausible, statisticians have generally argued that interactions should only be included if the corresponding main effects are also in the model (McCullagh and Nelder, 1989). This is known as the strong heredity principle (Chipman, 1996). Indeed, large main effects are more likely to lead to detectable interactions (Cox, 1984). In the next section we discuss how a simple reparametrization of the model (3) can lead to this desirable property.
1.2. Strong and weak heredity
The strong heredity principle states that an interaction term can only have a non-zero estimate if its corresponding main effects are estimated to be non-zero, whereas the weak heredity principle allows for a non-zero interaction estimate as long as one of the corresponding main effects is estimated to be non-zero (Chipman, 1996). In the context of penalized regression methods, these principles can be formulated as structured sparsity (Bach, Jenatton, Mairal, Obozinski et al., 2012) problems. Several authors have proposed to modify the type of penalty in order to achieve the heredity principle (Radchenko and James, 2010; Bien, Taylor, Tibshirani et al., 2013; Lim and Hastie, 2015; Haris, Witten and Simon, 2016). We take an alternative approach. Following Choi et al. (Choi, Li and Zhu, 2010), we introduce a new set of parameters and reparametrize the coefficients for the interaction terms τj in (2) as a function of γjE and the main effect parameters θj and βE. This reparametrization for both strong and weak heredity is summarized in Table 1.
To perform variable selection in this new parametrization, we penalize γ = (γ1E,…, γpE) instead of penalizing τ as in (3), leading to the following penalized objective function:
An estimate of the regression parameters is given by . This penalty allows for the possibility of excluding the interaction term from the model even if the corresponding main effects are non-zero. Furthermore, smaller values for α would lead to more interactions being included in the final model while values approaching 1 would favor main effects. Similar to the elastic net (Zou and Zhang, 2009), we fix α and obtain a solution path over a sequence of λ values.
1.3. Toy example
We present here a toy example to better illustrate the methods proposed in this paper. With a sample size of n = 100, we sample p = 20 covariates X1,… Xp independently from a N(0,1) distribution truncated to the interval [0,1]. Data were generated from a model which follows the strong heredity principle, but where only one covariate, X2, is involved in an interaction with a binary exposure variable (E):
For illustration, function f1(·) is assumed to be linear, whereas function f2(·) is non-linear: f1(x) = −3x, f2(x) = 2(2x - 1)3. The error term ε is generated from a normal distribution with variance chosen such that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is 2. We generated a single simulated dataset and used the strong heredity sail method (described below) with B-splines (df=5) to estimate the functional forms. 10-fold cross-validation (CV) was used to choose the optimal value of penalization. We used α = 0.5 and default values for all other arguments. We plot the solution path for both main effects and interactions in Figure 1 (top panel), coloring lines to correspond to the selected model. We see that our method is able to correctly identify the true model. We can also visually see the effect of the penalty and strong heredity principle working in tandem, i.e., the interaction term E · f2(X2) (orange lines in the bottom panel) can only be non-zero if the main effects E and f2(X2) (black and orange lines respectively in the top panel) are non-zero, while non-zero main effects does not imply a non-zero interaction.
In Figure 1 (bottom panel), we plot the true and estimated component functions and , and their estimates from this analysis with sail. We are able to capture the shape of the correct functional form. Lack-of-fit for f1(X1) can be partially explained by acknowledging that sail is trying to fit a spline to a linear function. Nevertheless, this example demonstrates that sail can still identify trends reasonably well.
1.4. Related work
Methods for variable selection of interactions can be broken down into two categories: linear and non-linear interaction effects. Many of the linear effect methods consider all pairwise interactions in X (Zhao, Rocha and Yu, 2009; Choi et al., 2010; Bien et al., 2013; She and Jiang, 2014) which can be computationally prohibitive when p is large. More recent proposals for selection of interactions allow the user to restrict the search space to interaction candidates (Lim and Hastie, 2015; Haris et al., 2016). This is useful when the researcher wants to impose prior information on the model. Two-stage procedures, where interaction candidates are considered from an original screen of main effects, have shown good performance when p is large (Hao, Feng and Zhang, 2018; Shah, 2016) in the linear setting. There are many fewer methods available for estimating non-linear interactions. For example, Radchenko and James (2010) (Radchenko and James, 2010) proposed a model of the form , where f(·) are smooth component functions. This method is more computationally expensive than sail since it considers all pairwise interactions between the basis functions, and its effectiveness in simulations or real-data applications is unknown as there is no software implementation.
The main contributions of this paper are five-fold. First, we develop a model for non-linear interactions with a key exposure variable, following either the weak or strong heredity principle, that is computationally efficient and scales to the high-dimensional setting (n ≪ p). Second, through simulation studies, we show improved performance in terms of prediction accuracy and support recovery over existing methods that only consider linear interactions or additive main effects. Third, we show that our method possesses the oracle property (Fan and Li, 2001), i.e., it performs as well as if the true model were known in advance. Fourth, we demonstrate the performance of our method in two applications: 1) gene-environment interactions in a prenatal psychosocial intervention program Olds et al. (1998) and 2) a study aimed at identifying which clinical variables influence mortality rates amongst seriously ill hospitalized patients (Connors, Dawson, Desbiens, Fulkerson, Goldman, Knaus, Lynn, Oye, Bergner, Damiano et al., 1995). Fifth, we implement our algorithms in the sail R package on CRAN (https://cran.r-project.org/package=sail), along with extensive documentation. In particular, our implementation also allows for linear interaction models, user-defined basis expansions, a cross-validation procedure for selecting the optimal tuning parameter, and differential shrinkage parameters to apply the adaptive lasso idea (Zou, 2006).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes our optimization procedure and some details about the algorithm used to fit the sail model for the least squares case. Theoretical results are given in Section 3. In Section 4, through simulation studies we compare the performance of our proposed approach and demonstrate the scenarios where it can be advantageous to use sail over existing methods. Section 5 contains two real data examples and Section 6 discusses some limitations and future directions.
2. Computation
In this section we describe a blockwise coordinate descent algorithm for fitting the least-squares version of the sail model in (4). We fix the value for α and minimize the objective function over a decreasing sequence of λ values (λmax >···> λmin). We use the subgradient equations to determine the maximal value λmax such that all estimates are zero. Due to the heredity principle, this reduces to finding the largest λ such that all main effects (βE, θ1,…, θp) are zero. Following Friedman et al. (Friedman, Hastie and Tibshirani, 2010), we construct a λ-sequence of 100 values decreasing from λmax to 0.001 λmax on the log scale, and use the warm start strategy where the solution for λℓ is used as a starting value for λℓ+1.
2.1. Blockwise coordinate descent for least-squares loss
We assume that Y, Ψj, XE and XE◦ψj have been centered by their sample means , and , respectively. Here, and represent the column means of Ψj and XE ◦Ψj, respectively. Since the intercept (β0) is not penalized and all variables have been centered, we can omit it from the loss function and compute it once the algorithm has converged for all other parameters. The strong heredity sail model with least-squares loss has the form: and the objective function is given by
Solving (6) in a blockwise manner allows us to leverage computationally fast algorithms for ℓ1 and ℓ2 norm penalized regression. Indeed, by careful construction of pseudo responses and pseudo design matrices, existing efficient algorithms can be used to estimate the parameters. The objective function simplifies to a modified lasso problem when holding all θj fixed, and a modified group lasso problem when holding βE and all γjE fixed. The main computations are provided in Algorithm 1. A more detailed version of the derivations are given in Supplemental Section B.1.
Blockwise Coordinate Descent for Least-Squares sail with Strong Heredity
2.2 Details on Update for θ
Here we discuss a computational speedup in the updates for the θ parameter. The partial residual (Rs) used for updating θs (s ∈ 1,…,p) at the kth iteration is given by where is the fitted value at the kth iteration excluding the contribution from Ψs:
Using (8), (7) can be re-written as where
Denote the solution for predictor s at the kth iteration, given by:
Now we want to update the parameters for the next predictor θs+1 (s + 1 ∈ 1,…,p) at the kth iteration. The partial residual used to update θs+1 is given by where R* is given by (10), is the parameter value prior to the update, and is the updated value given by (11). Taking the difference between (9) and (12) gives
Therefore Rt = Rs + Δ, and the partial residual for updating the next predictor can be computed by updating the previous partial residual by Δ, given by (13). This formulation can lead to computational speedups especially when Δ = 0, meaning the partial residual does not need to be re-calculated.
2.3. Weak Heredity
Our method can be easily adapted to enforce the weak heredity property. That is, an interaction term can only be present if at least one of its corresponding main effects is non-zero. To do so, we reparametrize the coefficients for the interaction terms in (2) as τj = γjE(βE · 1mj + θj), where 1mj is a vector of ones with dimension mj (i.e. the length of θj). We defer the algorithm details for fitting the sail model with weak heredity in Supplemental Section B.4, as it is very similar to Algorithm 1 for the strong heredity sail model.
2.4. Adaptive sail
The weights for the environment variable, main effects and interactions are given by wE, wj and wjE respectively. These weights serve as a means of allowing a different penalty to be applied to each variable. In particular, any variable with a weight of zero is not penalized at all. This feature is usually selected for one of two reasons:
Prior knowledge about the importance of certain variables is known. Larger weights will penalize the variable more, while smaller weights will penalize the variable less
Allows users to apply the adaptive sail, similar to the adaptive lasso (Zou, 2006)
We describe the adaptive sail in Algorithm 2. This is a general procedure that can be applied to the weak and strong heredity settings. We provide this capability in the sail package using the penalty.factor argument.
2.5. Flexible design matrix
The definition of the basis expansion functions in (1) is very flexible, in the sense that our algorithms are independent of this choice. As a result, the user can apply any basis expansion they desire. In the extreme case, one could apply the identity map, i.e., fj(Xj) = Xj which leads to a linear interaction model (referred to as linear sail). When little information is known a priori about the relationship between the predictors and the response, by default, we choose to apply the same basis expansion to all columns of X. This is a reasonable approach when all the variables are continuous. However, there are often situations when the data contains a combination of categorical and continuous variables. In these cases it may be sub-optimal to apply a basis expansion to the categorical variables. Owing to the flexible nature of our algorithm, we can handle this scenario in our implementation by allowing a user-defined design matrix. The only extra information needed is the group membership of each column in the design matrix. We illustrate such an example in a vignette of the sail R package.
3. Theory
In this section we study the asymptotic behaviour of the sail estimator , defined as the minimizer of (4), as well as the model selection properties. We show that sail possesses the oracle property when the sample size approaches infinity and the number of predictors is fixed. That is, under certain regularity conditions, it performs as well as if the true model were known in advance and has the optimal estimation rate (Zou, 2006). The regularity conditions and proofs are given in Supplemental Section 1.
Let denote the unknown vector of true coefficients in (4). To simplify the notation, we use the representation , where , and . Denote by the unknown sparsity pattern of Φ*, and the estimated sail model selector. We can rewrite the penalty terms in (4), and consider the sail estimates given b where λ1 = λ(1 - α)wE, λm = λ(1 - α)wm for m = 2,…, p + 1 and λm = λαwmE for m = p + 2,…, 2p + 1. Define that is, contains the indices for main effects whose true coefficients are non-zero, and contains the indices for interaction terms whose true coefficients are non-zero. Let
Note that our asymptotic results are stated for the main effects and interaction terms only, even though our formulation includes an unpenalized intercept. Consistency results immediately follow for β0 since we assume the data has been centered, leading to a closed form solution for the intercept in the least-squares setting.
[Existence of a local minimizer] If as n → ∞, i.e. then
Lemma (1) states that if the tuning parameters corresponding to the non-zero coefficients converge to 0 at a speed faster than , then there exists a local minimizer of Qn(Φ) which is (Wang, Li and Tsai, 2007; Choi et al., 2010).
(Model selection consistency). If and , then
Theorem (1) shows that sail can consistently remove the main effects and interaction terms which are not asso-ciated with the response with high probability. Together with Lemma (1), we see that the asymptotic behaviour of the penalty terms for the zero and non-zero predictors must be different to satisfy the model selection consistency property (15) (Nardi, Rinaldo et al., 2008). Specifically, when the tuning parameters for the non-zero coefficients converge to 0 faster than (i.e. ) and those for zero coefficients are large enough (i.e. ), the Lemma (1) and Theorem (1) imply that the estimator satisfies .
Next, we obtain the asymptotic distribution of the sail estimator.
(Asymptotic normality). Denote . Assume that and . Under the regularity conditions, the subvector of the local minimizer given in Lemma (1) satisfies where is the Fisher information matrix for at , assuming is known in advance.
Together, Theorems (1) and (2) establish that if the tuning parameters satisfy the conditions and , then as the sample size grows large, sail has the oracle property (Fan and Li, 2001). In order for the conditions on the tuning parameters to be satisfied, we follow the strategies outlined for the adaptive Lasso (Zou, 2006), the adaptive group Lasso (Nardi et al., 2008) and the adaptive elastic-net (Zou and Zhang, 2009). That is, we define the adaptive weights as for m = 1,…, 2p+1, where ξ is a positive constant and is an initial estimate of . Here, the 1/n is to avoid division by zero.
4 Simulation Study
In this section, we use simulated data to understand the performance of sail in different scenarios.
4.1. Comparator Methods
Since there are no other packages that directly address our chosen problem, we selected comparator methods based on the following criteria: 1) penalized regression methods that can handle high-dimensional data (n < p), 2) allowing at least one of linear effects, non-linear effects or interaction effects, and 3) having a software implementation in R. The selected methods can be grouped into three categories:
Linear main effects: lasso (Tibshirani, 1996), adaptive lasso (Zou, 2006)
Linear interactions: lassoBT (Shah, 2016), GLinternet (Lim and Hastie, 2015)
Non-linear main effects: HierBasis (Haris, Shojaie and Simon, 2019), SPAM (Ravikumar, Lafferty, Liu and Wasserman, 2009), gamsel (Chouldechova and Hastie, 2015)
For GLinternet we specified the interactioncandidates argument so as to only consider interactions between the environment and all other X variables. For all other methods we supplied (X, XE) as the data matrix, 100 for the number of tuning parameters to fit, and used the default values otherwise (R code for each method available at https://github.com/sahirbhatnagar/sail/blob/master/my_sims/method_functions.R). lassoBT considers all pairwise interactions as there is no way for the user to restrict the search space. SPAM applies the same basis expansion to every column of the data matrix; we chose 5 basis spline functions. HierBasis and gamsel selects whether a term in an additive model is non-zero, linear, or a non-linear spline up to a specified max degrees of freedom per variable.
We compare the above listed methods with our main proposal method sail, as well as with adaptive sail (Algorithm 2) and sail weak which has the weak heredity property. For each function fj, we use a B-spline basis matrix with degree=5 implemented in the bs function in R (R Core Team, 2017). We center the environment variable and the basis functions before running the sail method.
4.2. Simulation Design
To make the comparisons with other methods as fair as possible, we followed a simulation framework that has been previously used for variable selection methods in additive models (Lin, Zhang et al., 2006; Huang, Horowitz and Wei, 2010). We extend this framework to include interaction effects as well. The covariates are simulated as follows. First, we generate x1,…, x1000 independently from a standard normal distribution truncated to the interval [0,1] for i = 1,…, n. The first four variables are non-zero (i.e. active in the response), while the rest of the variables are zero (i.e. are noise variables). The exposure variable (XE) is generated from a standard normal distribution truncated to the interval [-1,1]. The outcome Y is then generated following one of the models and assumptions described below. We evaluate the performance of our method on three of its defining characteristics: 1) the strong heredity property, 2) nonlinearity of predictor effects and 3) interactions. Simulation scenarios are designed specifically to test the performance of these characteristics.
Heredity simulation
Scenario (a) Truth obeys strong heredity. In this situation, the true model for Y contains main effect terms for all covariates involved in interactions.
Scenario (b) Truth obeys weak heredity. Here, in addition to the interaction, the E variable has its own main effect but the covariates X3 and X4 do not.
Scenario (c) Truth only has interactions. In this simulation, the covariates involved in interactions do not have main effects as well.
Non-linearity simulation scenario
Truth is linear. sail is designed to model non-linearity; here we assess its performance if the true model is completely linear.
Interactions simulation scenario
Truth only has main effects. sail is designed to capture interactions; here we assess its performance when there are none in the true model.
The true component functions are the same as in (Lin et al., 2006; Huang et al., 2010) and are given by f1(t) = 5t, f2(t) = 3(2t - 1)2, f3(t) = 4sin(2πt)/(2 - sin(2πt)), f4(t) = 6(0.1 sin(2πt) + 0.2cos(2πt) + 0.3sin(2πt)2 + 0.4cos(2πt)3 + 0.5 sin(2πt)3). We set βE =2 and draw ε from a normal distribution with variance chosen such that the signal-to-noise ratio is 2. Using this setup, we generated 200 replications consisting of a training set of n = 200, a validation set of n = 200 and a test set of n = 800. The training set was used to fit the model and the validation set was used to select the optimal tuning parameter corresponding to the minimum prediction mean squared error (MSE). Variable selection results including true positive rate, false positive rate and number of active variables (the number of variables with a non-zero coefficient estimate) were assessed on the training set, and MSE was assessed on the test set.
4.3. Results
The prediction accuracy and variable selection results for each of the five simulation scenarios are shown in Figure 2 and Table 2, respectively. We see that sail, adaptive sail and sail weak have the best performance in terms of both MSE and yielding correct sparse models when the truth follows a strong heredity (scenario 1a), as we would expect, since this is exactly the scenario that our method is trying to target. Our method is also competitive when only main effects are present (scenario 3) and performs just as well as methods that only consider linear and non-linear main effects (HierBasis, SPAM), owing to the penalization applied to the interaction parameter. Due to the heredity property being violated in scenario 1c), no method can identify the correct model with the exception of GLinternet. When only linear effects and interactions are present (scenario 2), we see that adaptive sail has similar MSE compared to the other linear interaction methods (lassoBT and GLinternet) with a better TPR and FPR. It is important to note that the variable selection performance of sail is highly dependent on being able to correctly select the exposure variable (XE). In Supplemental Section C, we show the selection rates of XE. We see that sail is able to consistently identify the exposure variable across all simulation scenarios and replications. Overall, our simulation study results suggests that sail outperforms existing methods when the true model contains non-linear interactions, and is competitive even when the truth only has either linear or additive main effects.
We also plotted the true and predicted curves for scenario 1a) in Supplemental Section C, to visually inspect whether our method could correctly capture the shape of the association between the predictors and the response for both main and interaction effects. In general, we see the non-linear effects are clearly being captured by sail.
5. Real data applications
5.1. Gene-environment interactions in the Nurse Family Partnership program
It is well known that environmental exposures can have an important impact on academic achievement. Indeed, early intervention in young children has been shown to positively impact intellectual abilities (Campbell and Ramey, 1994). More recent studies have shown that cognitive performance, a trait that measures the ability to learn, reason and solve problems, is also strongly influenced by genetic factors. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) suggest that 20% of the variance in educational attainment (years of education) may be accounted for by common genetic variation (Rietveld et al., 2013; Okbay, Beauchamp, Fontana, Lee, Pers, Rietveld, Turley, Chen, Emilsson, Meddens et al., 2016). Unsurprisingly, there is significant overlap in the SNPs that predict educational attainment and measures of cognitive function. An interesting query that arises is how the environment interacts with these genetics variants to predict measures of cognitive function. To address this question, we analyzed data from the Nurse Family Partnership (NFP), a psychosocial intervention program that begins in pregnancy and targets maternal health, parenting and mother-infant interactions (Olds et al., 1998). The Stanford Binet IQ scores at 4 years of age were collected for 189 subjects (including 19 imputed using mice (Buuren and Groothuis-Oudshoorn, 2010)) born to women randomly assigned to control (n = 100) or nurse-visited intervention groups (n = 89). For each subject, we calculated a polygenic risk score (PRS) for educational attainment at different p-value thresholds using weights from the GWAS conducted in Okbay et al. (Okbay et al., 2016). In this context, individuals with a higher PRS have a propensity for higher educational attainment. The goal of this analysis was to determine if there was an interaction between genetic predisposition to educational attainment (X) and maternal participation in the NFP program (E) on child IQ at 4 years of age (Y). We applied the weak heredity sail with cubic B-splines and α = 0.1 to encourage interactions, and selected the optimal tuning parameter using 10-fold cross-validation. Our method identified an interaction between the intervention and PRS which included genetic variants at the 0.0001 level of significance. This interaction is shown in Figure 3. We see that the intervention has a much larger effect on IQ for lower PRS compared to a higher PRS. In other words, perinatal home visitation by nurses can impact IQ scores in children who are genetically predisposed to lower educational attainment. Similar results were obtained for the other imputed datasets (Supplemental Section D). We also compared sail with two other interaction selection methods, lassoBT and GLinternet with default settings, on 200 bootstrap samples of the data. The average and standard deviation of the MSE and size of the active set across the 200 bootstrap samples are given in Table 3. We see that sail tends to select sparser models while maintaining similar prediction performance compared to lassoBT. The GLinternet statistics are omitted here since the algorithm did not converge for many of the 200 simulations.
5.2. Study to Understand Prognoses Preferences Outcomes and Risks of Treatment
The Study to Understand Prognoses Preferences Outcomes and Risks of Treatment (SUPPORT) aimed at identifying which clinical variables influence medium-term (half-year) mortality rate amongst seriously ill hospitalized patients and improving clinical decision making (Connors et al., 1995). With a relatively large sample size of 9,105 and detailed documentation of clinical variables, the SUPPORT dataset allows detection of potential interactions using the strategy implemented in sail. We applied sail to test for non-linear interactions between acute renal failure or multiple organ system failure (ARF/MOSF), an important predictor for survival rate, and 13 other variables that were deemed clinically relevant. These variables included the number of comorbidities (excluding ARF/MOSF), age, sex, as well as multiple physiological and blood biochemical indices. The response was whether a patient survived after six months since hospitalization.
A total of 8,873 samples had complete data on all variables of interest. We randomly divided these samples into equal sized training/validation/test splits and ran lassoBT, GLinternet, and the weak heredity sail with cubic B-splines and α = 0.1 (as was done in the Nurse Family Partnership program case study). A binomial distribution family was specified for GLinternet, whereas lassoBT had the same default settings as the simulation study since it did not support a specialized implementation for binary outcomes. We again ran each method on the training data, determined the optimal tuning parameter on the validation data based on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), and assessed AUC on the test data. We repeated this process 200 times and report the results in Table 3.
We found that sail achieved similar prediction accuracy to lassoBT and GLinternet. However, the predictive performance of lassoBT and GLinternet relied on models which included many more variables. In Figure 4, we visualize the two strongest interaction effects associated with the number of comorbidities and age, respectively. For those having undergone ARF/MOSF, an increased number of comorbidities decreases their chance of survival, while there seems to be no such relationship for non-ARF/MOSF patients. The interaction between ARF/MOSF and age shows the risk incurred by ARF/MOSF is most distinguishing among patients between the ages of 70 and 80.
6. Discussion
In this article we have introduced the sparse additive interaction learning model sail for detecting non-linear interactions with a key environmental or exposure variable in high-dimensional settings. Using a simple reparametrization, we are able to achieve either the weak or strong heredity property without using a complex penalty function. We developed a blockwise coordinate descent algorithm to solve the sail objective function for the least-squares loss. We further studied the asymptotic properties of our method and showed that under certain conditions, it possesses the oracle property. All our algorithms have been implemented in a computationally efficient, well-documented and freely available R package on CRAN. Furthermore, our method is flexible enough to handle any type of basis expansion including the identity map, which allows for linear interactions. Our implementation allows the user to selectively apply the basis expansions to the predictors, allowing for example, a combination of continuous and categorical predictors. An extensive simulation study shows that sail, adaptive sail and sail weak outperform existing penalized regression methods in terms of prediction accuracy, sensitivity and specificity when there are non-linear main effects only, as well as interactions with an exposure variable. We then demonstrated the utility of our method to identify non-linear interactions in both biological and epidemiological data. In the NFP program, we showed that individuals who are genetically predisposed to lower educational attainment are those who stand to benefit the most from the intervention. Analysis of the SUPPORT data revealed that those having undergone ARF/MOSF, an increased number of comorbidities decreased their chances of survival, while there seemed to be no such relationship for non-ARF/MOSF patients. In a bootstrap analysis of both datasets, we observed that sailtended to select sparser models while maintaining similar prediction performance compared to other interaction selection methods.
Our method however does have its limitations. sail can currently only handle XE · f(X) or f(XE) · X and does not allow for f(X,XE), i.e., only one of the variables in the interaction can have a non-linear effect and we do not consider the tensor product. The reparametrization leads to a non-convex optimization problem which makes convergence rates difficult to assess, though we did not experience any major convergence issues in our simulations and real data analysis. The memory footprint can also be an issue depending on the degree of the basis expansion and the number of variables. Furthermore, the functional form of the covariate effects is treated as known in our method. Being able to automatically select for example, linear vs. nonlinear components, is currently an active area of research in main effects models (Haris et al., 2019). To our knowledge, our proposal is the first to allow for non-linear interactions with a key exposure variable following the weak or strong heredity property in high-dimensional settings. We also provide a first software implementation for these models.
A. Proofs
As shown in the main text, we simplified the notation to make the proofs easier to follow. We summarize the original notation and the corresponding simplified notation in Table 4. This notation then allows us to write down the sail estimates as
A.1. Regularity Conditions
(C1) The observation {Vi: i = 1,…, n} are independent and identically distributed with a probability density f(V, Φ), which has a common support. We assume the density f satisfies the following equations: and for any j1, j2 = 1…, 2p + 1, and k1 = 1,…, pj1, k2 = 1…, pj2, where j1, j2 are the index of group, k1, k2 be the index of elements within the corresponding group, pj1, pj2 are the group size of j1, j2 respectively.
(C2) The Fisher information matrix is finite and positive definite at Φ = Φ*.
(C3) There exists an open set ω of Ω that contains the true parameter point Φ* such that for almost all V the density f(V, Φ) admits all third derivatives for all Φ in ω and any j1, j2, j3 = 1,…, 2p + 1, and k1 = 1,…, pj1, k2 = 1,…, pj2 and k3 = 1,…, pj3. Furthermore, there exist functions Mj1k1j2k2j3k3 such that and mj1k1j2k2j3k3 = EΦ* [mj1k1j2k2j3k3 (V)] < ∞.
A.2. Lemma 1 proof
Let and {Φ* + ηnδ: ∥δ∥2 ≤ C} be the ball around Φ* for , where d is the dimension of the design matrix and C is some constant. Under the regularity assumptions, we show that there exists a local minimizer of Qn(Φ) such that . For this proof, we adopt the approaches outlined in (Fan and Li, 2001; Choi et al., 2010; Nardi et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2007) and extend it to our situation. Let and {Φ* + ηnδ: ∥δ∥2 ≤ C} be the ball around Φ* for , where d is the dimension of the design matrix and C is some constant. The objective function is given by
Then for δ that satisfies ∥δ∥2 = C, we have
Inequality (a) is by the fact that and . Inequality (b) is due to the reverse triangle inequality ∥a∥2 – ∥b∥2 ≥ – ∥a – b∥2. Inequality (c) is by λm ≤ an ≤ ηn for and . Equality (d) is by the standard argument on the Taylor expansion of the loss function:
We split (18) into three parts:
The last equation is by and
Combining (19) and (20) with (18) gives:
We can see that the first term D1 is linear in δ and the second term D2 is quadratic in δ. We can conclude that for a large enough constant C = ∥δ∥2, D2 dominates D1 and D3. Note that this is a positive term since I(Φ) is positive definite at Φ = Φ* by regularity condition (C2). Therefore, for each ε > 0, there exists a large enough constant C such that, for large enough n
This implies with probability at least 1 − ε that the empirical likelihood Qn has a local minimizer in the ball {Φ* + ηnδ: ∥δ∥2 ≤ C} (since Qn is bounded and {Φ* + αnδ: ∥δ∥2 ≤ C} is closed). In other words, there exists a local solution such that , since . Hence, .
A.3. Theorem 1 proof
We first consider consistency for the main effects . Following (Fan and Li, 2001; Choi et al., 2010), it is sufficient to show that for all , which implies that , i.e., the estimate has oracle property . Denote where pm is the group size of . Let be the k-th entry of . Note that if , then for k = 1,…, pm, then penalty function becomes differentiable. Therefore ϕmk for k = 1,…, pm must satisfy the following normal equation where lies between and Φ*. By the regularity conditions and Lemma (1) that , the first term is of the order
Then the second is of the order and the third term is of the order . Hence
As for from the assumption, therefore we know that I4 dominates I1, I2 and I3 in (21) with probability tending to one. This means that (21) cannot be true as long as the sample size is sufficiently large. As a result, we can conclude that with probability tending to one, the estimate must be in a position where is not differentiable. Hence for all . Hence . This completes the proof.
Next, we prove that for the interactions . For s.t. but βE ≠ 0 and , we can prove by a similar reasoning, which further implies that . For such that and either βE = 0 or (1 ≤ j ≤ p): without loss of generality, assume that . Notice that implies , since if , the value of the loss function does not change but the value of the penalty function will increase. Because we already prove , therefore we get as well for this case.
A.4. Theorem 2 proof
By Lemma 1 and Theorem 1, there exists a that is a local minimizer of , therefore and . Thus satisfies (with probability tending to 1): that is where
From (23) and (24) we have with probability tending to 1.
Denote Σ = diag{op(1),…, op(1)}. We then expand at in (25):
The third line follows by
We also expand at in (25):
And due to the fact that for and for any 1 < k ≤ pm, we know that Thus,
Therefore, by the central limit theorem, we know that
B. Algorithm Details
In this section we provide more specific details about the algorithms used to solve the sail objective function. We assume that Y, Ψj, XE and XE◦ψj have been centered by their sample means , and , respectively. Here, and represent the column means of Ψj and XE◦ψj, respectively. Since the intercept (β0) is not penalized and all variables have been centered, we can omit it from the loss function and compute it once the algorithm has converged for all other parameters. The strong heredity sail model with least-squares loss has the form and the objective function is given by
Solving (27) in a blockwise manner allows us to leverage computationally fast algorithms for ℓ1 and ℓ2 norm penalized regression. Denote the n-dimensional residual column vector . The subgradient equations are given by where s1 is in the subgradient of the ℓ1 norm: s2 is in the subgradient of the ℓ2 norm: and s3 is in the subgradient of the ℓ1 norm:
Define the partial residuals, without the jth predictor for j = 1,…, p, as the partial residual without XE as and the partial residual without the jth interaction for j = 1,…, p, as
From the subgradient equations (28)–(30) we see that where S(x, t) = sign(x)(|x| – t) is the soft-thresholding operator. Given these estimates, the intercept can be computed using the following equation:
We see from (31) that there is a closed form solution for βE. From (33), each γj also has a closed form solution and can be solved efficiently for j = 1,…, p using a coordinate descent procedure (Friedman et al., 2010). Since there is no closed form solution for βj, we use a quadratic majorization technique (Yang and Zou, 2015) to solve (32). Furthermore, we update each θj in a coordinate wise fashion and leverage this to implement further computational speedups which are detailed in Supplemental Section B.2. From these estimates, we compute the interaction effects using the reparametrizations presented in Table 1, e.g., for the strong heredity sail model.
B.1. Least-Squares sail with Strong Heredity
A more detailed algorithm for fitting the least-squares sail model with strong heredity is given in Algorithm 3.
Blockwise Coordinate Descent for Least-Squares sail with Strong Heredity
B.2. Details on Update for θ
Here we discuss a computational speedup in the updates for the θ parameter. The partial residual (Rs) used for updating θs (s ∈ 1,…, p) at the kth iteration is given by where is the fitted value at the kth iteration excluding the contribution from Ψs:
Using (36), (35) can be re-written as where
Denote the solution for predictor s at the kth iteration, given by:
Now we want to update the parameters for the next predictor θs+1 (s + 1 ∈ 1,…, p) at the kth iteration. The partial residual used to update θs+1 is given by where R* is given by (38), is the parameter value prior to the update, and is the updated value given by (39). Taking the difference between (37) and (40) gives
Therefore Rt = Rs + Δ, and the partial residual for updating the next predictor can be computed by updating the previous partial residual by Δ, given by (41). This formulation can lead to computational speedups especially when Δ = 0, meaning the partial residual does not need to be re-calculated.
B.3. Maximum penalty parameter (λmax) for strong heredity
The subgradient equations (28)–(30) can be used to determine the largest value of λ such that all coefficients are 0. From the subgradient Equation (28), we see that βE = 0 is a solution if From the subgradient Equation (29), we see that θj = 0 is a solution if
From the subgradient Equation (30), we see that γj =0 is a solution if
Due to the strong heredity property, the parameter vector (βE, θ1,…, θp, γ1,…, γp) will be entirely equal to θ if (βE, θ1,…, θp) = 0. Therefore, the smallest value of λ for which the entire parameter vector (excluding the intercept) is 0 is: which reduces to
B.4. Least-Squares sail with Weak Heredity
We assume the same centering constraints as in Section B.1. The least-squares sail model with weak heredity has the form
The objective function is given by
Denote the n-dimensional residual column vector . The subgradient equations are given by where s1 is in the subgradient of the ℓ1 norm: s2 is in the subgradient of the ℓ2 norm: and s3 is in the subgradient of the ℓ1 norm:
Define the partial residuals, without the jth predictor for j = 1,…, p, as the partial residual without XE as and the partial residual without the jth interaction for j = 1,…, p
From the subgradient Equation (48), we see that βE = 0 is a solution if
From the subgradient Equation (49), we see that θj = 0 is a solution if
From the subgradient Equation (50), we see that γj = 0 is a solution if
From the subgradient equations we see that where S(x, t) = sign(x)(|x| − t) is the soft-thresholding operator. As was the case in the strong heredity sail model, there is a closed form solution for βE, each γj also has a closed form solution and can be solved efficiently for j = 1,…, p using the coordinate descent procedure implemented in the glmnet package (Friedman et al., 2010), while we use the quadratic majorization technique implemented in the gglasso package (Yang and Zou, 2015) to solve (55). Algorithm 4 details the procedure used to fit the least-squares weak heredity sail model.
Coordinate descent for least-squares sail with weak heredity
B.4.1. Maximum penalty parameter (λmax)for weak heredity
The smallest value of λ for which the entire parameter vector (βE, θ1,…, θp, γ1,…, γp) is 0 is: which reduces to
This is the same λmax as the least-squares strong heredity sail model.
C. Additional Simulation Results
We visually inspected whether our method could correctly capture the shape of the association between the predictors and the response for both main and interaction effects. To do so, we plotted the true and predicted curves for scenario 1a) only. Figure 5 shows each of the four main effects with the estimated curves from each of the 200 simulations along with the true curve. We can see the effect of the penalty on the parameters, i.e., decreasing prediction variance at the cost of increased bias. This is particularly well illustrated in the bottom right panel where sail smooths out the very wiggly component function f4(x). Nevertheless, the primary shapes are clearly being captured.
To visualize the estimated interaction effects, we ordered the 200 simulation runs by the Euclidean distance between the estimated and true regression functions. Following Radchenko et al. (Radchenko and James, 2010), we then identified the 25th, 50th, and 75th best simulations and plotted, in Figures 6 and 7, the interaction effects of XE with f3(X3) and f4(X4), respectively. We see that sail does a good job at capturing the true interaction surface for XE · f3(X3). Again, the smoothing and shrinkage effect is apparent when looking at the interaction surfaces for XE · f4(X4).
In Figure 8 we visualize the variable selection results from 210 replications of the simulation study for strong hierarchy sail using UpSet plots (Conway, Lex and Gehlenborg, 2017). Shown are the selected models and their frequencies. We can see that the environment variable is always selected across all simulation scenarios and replications.
D. Additional Results on PRS for Educational Attainment
E. Data Availability and Code to Reproduce Results
The R scripts used to simulate the data for the simulation studies in Section 4 are provided along with the code for each of the methods being compared. The data used for the two real data analyses in Section 5 are publicly available. The first dataset from the Nurse Family Partnership program is provided by one of the authors of the manuscript (David Olds). The second dataset from the Study to Understand Prognoses Preferences Outcomes and Risks of Treatment (SUPPORT) is publicly available from the Vanderbilt University Department of Biostatistics website.
E.1. Datasets
The datasets are available at https://github.com/sahirbhatnagar/sail/tree/master/manuscript/raw_data
Nurse Family Partnership program data consists of three files. They are merged together using the script https://github.com/sahirbhatnagar/sail/blob/master/manuscript/bin/PRS_bootstrap.R
The SUPPORT data consists of a single file:
All datasets are in .txt format. Code used to read in the datasets are provided in the section below. All output from this project published online is available according to the conditions of the Creative Commons License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/)
E.2. Code
The software which implements our algorithm is available in an R package published on CRAN (https://cran.r-project.org/package=sail) version 0.1.0 with MIT license. The paper itself is written in knitr format, and therefore includes both the code and text in the same .Rnw file.
The scripts and data used to produce the results in the manuscript are available at https://github.com/sahirbhatnagar/sail/tree/master/manuscript.
The knitr file which contains both the main text and code is available at: https://github.com/sahirbhatnagar/sail/blob/master/manuscript/source/sail_manuscript_v2.Rnw
The manuscript was compiled using R version 3.6.1 with knitr version 1.25.
The bootstrap analysis was run in parallel on a compute cluster with 40 cores. Though this is not necessary to reproduce the results, it definitely speeds up the computation time.
E.2.1. Instructions for Use
All tables and figures from the paper can be reproduced by compiling the knitr file. The easiest way to reproduce the results is to download the GitHub repository and compile the knitr file from within an R session as follows:
Download the GitHub repository https://github.com/sahirbhatnagar/sail/archive/master.zip
From within an R session, run the command: knitr::knit2pdf(‘sail_manuscript_v2.Rnw’)
Note that to speed up compilation time, we have saved the simulation and bootstrap results in .RData files available at https://github.com/sahirbhatnagar/sail/tree/master/manuscript/results. These .RData files are called directly by the knitr file.
Note also that the R scripts used to generate the results are called from the knitr file using the ‘code externalization’ functionality of knitr (https://yihui.org/knitr/demo/externalization/). That is, the actual R code is stored in R scripts and not within the knitr file. These R scripts are available at https://github.com/sahirbhatnagar/sail/tree/master/manuscript/bin.
The expected run time to compile the manuscript is about 5 minutes on a standard desktop machine, assuming that you are using the pre-run simulation and bootstrap results.
E.2.2. R Package Vignette
A website with two vignettes has been created for our sail package available at https://sahirbhatnagar.com/sail/
The 2 vignettes are:
SRB and CMTG were supported by the Ludmer Centre for Neuroinformatics and Mental Health and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research PJT 148620. SRB acknowledges the support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), RGPIN-2020-05133. This research was enabled in part by support provided by Calcul Québec (www.calculquebec.ca) and Compute Canada (www.computecanada.ca). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Included new real data analyses of NFP program and SUPPORT dataset.