New Results
Feedback training can increase detection of happiness in ambiguous facial expressions in children and adults with autism spectrum disorders
Sarah Griffiths, Angela Suzanne Attwood, Ian Scott Penton-Voak, Christopher Jarrold, Marcus R Munafo
Sarah Griffiths
1University College London;
Angela Suzanne Attwood
2University of bristol;
Ian Scott Penton-Voak
3University of Bristol
Christopher Jarrold
3University of Bristol
Marcus R Munafo
3University of Bristol
Article usage
Posted February 01, 2019.
Feedback training can increase detection of happiness in ambiguous facial expressions in children and adults with autism spectrum disorders
Sarah Griffiths, Angela Suzanne Attwood, Ian Scott Penton-Voak, Christopher Jarrold, Marcus R Munafo
bioRxiv 524322; doi:
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