It is not known how neurons encode memories that can persist up to decades. To investigate this question, we performed simultaneous bilateral imaging of neuronal activity in the mouse hippocampus over weeks. From one day to the next ∼40 % of neurons changed their responsiveness to cues; however, thereafter only 1 % of cells changed for each additional day. Despite the apparent instability between days, field responses of CA1 neurons are very resilient to lack of exposure to the task or lesions to CA1. Although a small fraction of individual neurons retain their responses over weeks, groups of neurons with inter- and intrahemispheric synchronous activity had stable responses. Neurons whose activity was synchronous with a large group of neurons were more likely to preserve their responses across multiple days. These results suggest that although information stored in individual neurons is relatively labile, it is very stable in networks of synchronously active neurons.
One Sentence Summary Neuronal representations in networks of neurons with synchronized activity are stable over weeks, even after lack of training or following damage.
Main Text
Memories are processed and stored by a complex network of neurons across several circuits in the brain; however, little is known about how information is encoded and retained in these neurons for long periods of time. Information could be stored at different hierarchical levels, within individual neurons through modification of their synapses, or distributed among many neurons in different brain areas including the hippocampus and cortex. The hippocampus is known to play an essential role in the formation of memories (1, 2) and neurons in this brain area show robust response to space (place cells), time (time cells), or other task relevant cues (3–5). Many works have studied how neuronal activity in the hippocampus changes during learning (6, 7), attention (8, 9), and re-exposure (10). However, what aspects of neuronal activity in the hippocampus persist during future visits to a familiar environment, how is information encoded in group of neurons, and how lesions perturb the long-term maintenance of these neuronal patterns remains poorly understood.
The question of how information is stably encoded in neurons in the hippocampus remains a controversial issue. Whereas extracellular recordings show that place cells retain their fields from days to a weeks (11), calcium imaging experiments show drastic changes of neuronal activity across days (12–15). Considering that the hippocampus is necessary for the formation, but not for the long-term maintenance of memories, it is possible that neuronal representations in the hippocampus may change over time as information is recalled from other brain areas (16). Previous long-term imaging of neuronal activity showed that a large number of pyramidal neurons in CA1 are active during a 35 day period but only 31 % were active on any given session and only 2.8 ± 0.3% were active in all sessions (12). However, the inability to detect active neurons on consecutive days could be due to motion artifacts caused by the removal and reattachment of the microendoscope between days. In addition, overexpression of GCaMP using AAVs can induce cell toxicity or even death (17). To overcome these potential limitations we built custom microendoscopes that were chronically implanted and performed long-term simultaneous bilateral imaging of hippocampal activity in freely moving Thy1-GCaMP6s mice (Figure 1a, S1, Movie 1 and 2, see supplementary data) (18–21). The combination of chronic implants, high sensitivity microendoscope, improved cell detection and registration with the CNMFe software allowed us to minimize motion artifacts and to increase the reliability of long-term recordings (Fig. 1b-c and S2)(22, 23). We imaged CA1 pyramidal neuron activity for several weeks through three situations, which we defined as follows: (i) “learning”, during the initial 5 sessions of exposure to a novel linear track with sugar water reward at the ends, (ii) “re-exposure”, after a 10-day period during which the animal was not exposed to the linear track, and (iii) “damage”, following light-induced hippocampus lesion (Fig. S1). We observed robust single neuron activity across days for up to 8 months (Fig. 1d-e and Movie 3 and 4). We did not notice significant differences between hemispheres and unless stated otherwise, the values reported represent combined data from both hemispheres. In any given day, 88 ± 4 % of all neurons in the field of view were active and 51 ± 17 % were active every session (Fig. 1f-h and S3). Within a day, the vast majority of neurons (95 %) were active both while mice explored their home cage or while running in the linear track. However, in the same day between environments (cage or linear track) or across days in the linear track, neurons displayed significant changes in their firing rates (Fig. S4). Thus, minimizing motion artifacts using chronic implants and improved signal extraction and registration allowed us to observe that most CA1 neurons that are active one day are also active on subsequent days.
To acquire a comprehensive view of stability of neuronal representations in CA1, we studied both cells that were active in specific locations of the maze when animals were running (defined as “place cells”), and during periods of immobility (defined as “time cells”) (24, 25) (Fig. S5-7). Previous work reported that place fields underwent drastic changes across sessions, reaching near random levels (75-85 % change) on the following session (12). Under our conditions, we observe that from one day to the next 62 ± 12 % of neurons retained response to a field (defined here as “cell overlap”). These changes were present regardless of how familiar the animal was to the environment but were more prominent during the “learning” phase (Fig. S5e). Surprisingly, despite the initial abrupt change, the cell overlap for subsequent days decreased only an additional ∼1 % per day, reaching random levels after ∼ 50 days (Fig. 2a-c).
Repetitive exposure to the task could induce changes in neuronal representation through continuous updates in place and time fields due to minor changes in environment (i.e. different personnel or odors in the room). To investigate this possibility, we introduced a no-task period in which trained animals were not exposed to the linear track for 10 days (Fig. S1b). We then compared the changes in place and time cells between animals not exposed to the track and animals which were continuously exposed to the track. Following re-exposure, place and time cells in sessions separated by 11 days that included the 10-day period of no-task changed their fields by a similar fraction as animals continuously exposed to the task in sessions separated by 11 days (Fig. 2d and S8). Thus, changes in place and time cells happen independently of whether the animal is exposed to the task.
Next, we analyzed whether the fields to which a neuron is responsive changes between sessions. Response fields were relatively similar across days (correlation of 0.7 ± 0.3, 505 neurons, during the “trained” period between one to 5 days apart) (Fig. 2f-g). Interestingly, in some sessions, we observed that 87 ± 8 % of cells changed the direction of their fields by 180 ° in the linear track, reversing the directional representation encoded in the previous session (Fig. 2e). Rotations of fields happened simultaneously across hemispheres and were accompanied by minimal changes in animal behavior (Fig. S9). Rotations in the representation of the linear track could explain the observed low stability of place fields during navigation in a virtual track (14). Field similarities across days were also significantly lower during periods of learning and during the first two days following re-exposure to the task (Fig. 2f-g). Response fields fluctuate from day to day during the learning periods or immediately following re-exposure (regions a and c in figure 2f), but once the animal becomes familiar with the task, place and time cells can recover their fields even following a 10-day period in which the animal is not exposed to the task (region e in figure 2f).
To investigate whether CA1 representations are also resilient to brain damage we performed local lesions induced by increasing the LED power and illumination time of the implanted microendoscopes (5 to 10-fold over the threshold needed to visualize GCaMP) (Fig. 3a). High illumination intensity induces a local increase in the tissue temperature and affects neurons along a spectrum ranging from perturbing their firing activity to triggering their death. One day after light damage, we observed a massive increase in synchronized firing analogous to interictal discharges (Fig. 3b). These abnormal bursts of activity recruited the majority of neurons in the field of view and were direction specific in the linear track (Fig. S10b and Movie 5). During days with abnormal CA1 activity, the firing behavior of neurons changed dramatically, and the number of place and time cells increases significantly (Fig. 3c and S10e). However, during this period, place and time field correlation across days decreased to near random levels (Fig. 3d-f). Interestingly, after 2 to 10 days, abnormal activity ceased overnight but not all neurons retained their activity in the linear track (Movie 4). In a similar fashion to what we observed in the re-exposure experiments, after recovery from damage, place and time fields stabilized and a significant portion of place and time cells were responsive to the same fields that they had before the lesion (81 ± 11 % of cells with a field before and after the lesion had a correlation above 0.7, compared to random p<10−10 ranksum, n = 49 sessions) (Fig. 3f).
It has been suggested that groups of neurons with synchronized activity form cell assemblies able to encode learned representations for long periods of time. Cell assemblies encoding temporal and spatial cues have been observed in the hippocampus (26, 27). However, whether these assemblies develop during learning, how many neurons participate in them, for how many days they persist, and whether they can encode stable information across days is not known. We started analyzing the activity of pairs of neurons, the simplest level of synchronized groups of cells. The Pearson’s correlation between neurons is independent of the firing rate; however, we observe that neurons in CA1 become more synchronized with other neurons within and across hemispheres as mice become familiar with the linear track (Fig 4a). The increase in synchronous pairs arises mainly due to the activity of place and time cells and is proportional their firing rate (Fig. S11-12). Synchronized pairs of neurons also tended to make the same errors as the animal performed the task, as illustrated in two scenarios. First, whenever one neuron in the pair failed to fire in its field, 50 ± 30 % of the time the other neuron in the pair failed as well. Second, when pair of neurons fired, their deviation from the field peak was highly correlated (0.71 ± 0.14, p<10−8) (Fig. S12e). Across days, we observed that the likelihood of a neuron maintaining its responsiveness to a field was proportional to the degree of synchrony it had with another neuron in a pair (Fig. S12g). Altogether, these results support the notion that synchronized activity does not occur simply by chance due to overlapping fields, and it may be responsible for the stability of representations over time.
To explore this hypothesis, we analyzed correlations of neuronal activity to identify whether neuron pairs belong to a larger cell assembly and whether stable information could be encoded in these larger neuronal networks (26). Network graphs where links are defined based on correlation, show a clear behavior-dependent topology, evolving throughout periods of learning and undergoing extensive reorganization upon transition from exploring in the home cage to running in the linear track (Fig. 4b). Graphs revealed the presence of dense clusters comprised of neurons within and across hemispheres with preferences for specific behaviors (Fig. 4c-d, S13 and Movie 7). Extraction of these clusters using a Markov diffusion approach identified groups of neurons (defined here as cell groups) encoding direction-specific information about several aspects of the task, including periods of running, immobility, drinking, and turning (Fig. 4e-f and Movie 8-9) (28). Synchronized activity of cell groups was specific for the environment to which the animal was exposed. Cell groups that had synchronous activity in the linear track became asynchronous in the home cage, and vice versa (Fig. S13d). Individual neurons developed their responsiveness to a field within minutes of exposure to the track. In contrast, the functional connectivity of neurons in a graph and neuron clustering develop over 2-4 sessions (Fig. 4g). Indicating that neuronal synchrony does not arise simply by field overlap and highlights a reorganization of network activity during learning which is highly correlated with task performance (clustering coefficient correlation of 0.69, p<10−4, n=12). Moreover, the task information encoded in these groups did not degrade over time (up to 35 days), even after a 10-day period of no task (Fig. 4g-h). Thus, using features in the correlation matrix of neuronal activity we demonstrate that groups of neurons in CA1 can encode persistent representations of the task across weeks even if the activity of individual neurons varies over time.
The analysis of correlated neuronal activity of CA1 neurons has been used to decode the behavior of the animal or the response of neurons to a field (29, 30), however, it is not known whether this activity can be used to predict whether a cell will be responsive to a field into the future (across days). Using graphs, we observed that the likelihood that a neuron would maintain its responsiveness to a field over multiple days was proportional to the extent of connectivity within the cell group it belonged to (Fig. 4i). The Shannon information content of neurons was also proportional to how synchronized a neuron was with other cells with similar response fields (correlation 0.52 ± 0.26, p<0.01). To test the hypothesis that neuronal correlation can be used to predict the responsiveness of a neuron to a field we analyzed metrics describing graph and node connectivity and trained a decoder to determine whether a neuron would be a place or time cell in the future (see methods). Using this approach, we show that the synchrony-stability relationship can be used to decode which neurons in a session will be responsive to a field and predict whether a neuron will maintain its field N sessions apart, even after a period of 10 to 20 days (Fig. 4k, see methods). Furthermore, a decoder trained to identify place and time cells from graph metrics in one trained animal in one session can identify place and time cells in other animals simply by analyzing the correlation matrix of neuronal activity. Thus, the features of a neuron in a graph are sufficient to decode signatures that are specific to time cells, specific to place cells, or even specific for cells that are neither time or place cells, and these signatures are common between animals.
In contrast to previous studies on the stability of CA1 representations, we observed that the vast majority of neurons are active on most days but their firing rate changes across sessions and tasks (12). We observe high stability when analyzing the cell overlap of place and time cells such that even after 35 days 40 % of neurons were responsive to a field (12, 14). Our results indicate that hippocampal representations change drastically from one day to the next, but much more slowly thereafter (an additional ∼1% change per day). In addition, we found that the representations in CA1 were able to recover after an extended period (10 days) without performing the task, or even after abnormal activity induced by local lesions. These manipulations revealed a common feature of information persistence. In both cases, fields undergo transient drifts and fluctuation ultimately converging to a neuronal representation similar to that present before perturbations. These findings provides strong experimental evidence for the presence of attractor-like ensemble dynamics as a mechanism by which the representations of an environment are encoded in the hippocampus (31). Interestingly, spatially triggered hippocampal discharges were observed in transgenic mice with chronic blockade of CA2 synaptic transmission (32). Our results show that such phenotype can be elicited by unilateral lesions to CA1 and more importantly, CA1 can recover from such abnormal activity. These results suggest a model with two complementary features. First, neuronal representations spontaneously change over time, such that cells whose fields persist longer than 35 days are rare. Second, there are mechanisms that ensure the persistence of representations over short periods of time (days) even if the animals are not training in the task, or if the circuit is perturbed by lesions.
The results presented here reveal a more heterogeneous organization of information in CA1 during learning, recall, and following recovery from damage. When naïve mice are first exposed an unfamiliar environment, place and time cells become sensitive to a field, but their response is stochastic and unstable between days. As mice become familiar with the task and environment, place/time cells become synchronized within and between hemispheres, form cell groups, become more stable between days and resilient to perturbations. At the ensemble level, cell groups form stable representation of the environment but neurons in these cell groups are not all equally stable. Between any given day, ∼ 40 % of cells change their field response; however, on average individual neurons can retain their field response for 10 ± 5 consecutive days, with an even smaller number being active for over 4 weeks. These results are analogous to studies in zebra finches showing that highly stereotypic behaviors are characterized by unstable participation of excitatory neurons but stable ensemble activity (33). Analysis of neuronal correlation using graphs reveals that these heterogeneities are related to how synchronous a neuron is with other neurons encoding similar information, such that neurons more connected to their cell group become more stable and have higher information content than neurons at the boundary of a cell group. Lastly, we show that the features of a neuron in a graph are also sufficient to decode whether neurons encode information about the task without knowledge of the animal’s behavior. Overall, our findings suggest a model where the patterns of activity of individual neurons gradually change over time while the activity of groups of synchronously active neurons ensures the persistence of representations.
Supplementary Movies
Movie 1. (Top row) Unprocessed 15 second recording of the left hemisphere in one animal and right hemisphere in another while running in the linear track. (Bottom row) Temporally down-sampled (4-fold) and spatially smoothed 15 second video of CA1 activity while two different mice run in the linear track. Left hemisphere is shown on the left panel and right hemisphere on the right.
Movie 2. Simultaneous bilateral recording of a mouse while running in the linear track. Image is background subtracted. Left hemisphere shown on the left and right hemisphere on the right. Neuronal activity extracted from this animal is shown on figure 1d.
Movie 3. (Left) Correlation image of CA1 activity across two months not motion corrected, each frame represents a 30-minute session (home cage exploration and linear track), 45 sessions in total. (right) The same data but motion corrected. The sudden shift between session 14 and 15 is due to the 10-day period of no task.
Movie 4. Motion corrected correlation image of CA1 activity in one mouse recorded for 8 months (76 sessions, data from home cage exploring and linear track). Sessions between 33 and 42 not included because abnormal activity due to damage prevent accurate registration using individual sessions. The data presented in the manuscript is motion corrected and analyzed in a different manner (see methods).
Movie 5. Direction specific burst activity in CA1 in three mice after damage. Note the continuously fluorescent cells, these cells will eventually become inactive. The top right animal was not included in the analysis because the lesion induced significant changes in the FOV which limited our confidence in registering cells between days. All three mice have a leftward direction burst in the video, but the direction could change between days (see figure S13).
Movie 6. The same data used in movie 5 but a closer view showing how some neurons persist in the field of view while other stop being active after the CA1 lesion.
Movie 7. (Top left) Changes in the topology of a network graph of CA1 activity in a mouse exploring its home cage across days. Note the small cluster of nodes leaving and joining the larger cluster. (Top right) Changes in the topology of a network graph of CA1 activity while the mouse becomes familiar with the linear track. (Bottom) The same data but nodes are colored by cell groups determined on the last day once the mouse is familiar with the environment. The video proceeds in reverse order, trained periods are shown in the first frames and learning are the last. Note that modules retain a large portion of neurons across days but eventually fall apart during learning. Also, the diffusion of colors indicates that some neurons can change their role in the network.
Movie 8. The number of edges between clusters can be used to extract the sequence of events in the behavior (see figure S14). In this video, demonstrate that a sequential behavior has a clear sequential activity in the graph. Cell groups are shown in color once at least 5 neurons in the group are active, only on cell group per frame shown.
Movie 9. In some cases, we observe that sequences in a graph can bifurcate, activating different groups. In this case we have at the right side of the maze 4 cell groups, cell group 3 shown in light blue (time cells), cell group 10 in dark blue, 11 in black, and 7 in green (place cells). Using the graph connectivity, we observe that the pathway 3-10-7 and 3-11-7 have very similar transition probabilities. Here we show 20 frame segments of behavior centered at when either cell group 10 (left video) or cell group 11 (right) are active. We observe that each of these sequences correspond to turning counterclockwise or clockwise.