Perturbation of the developmental refinement of the corticospinal pathway leads to motor disorders. In non-primates developmental refinement is well documented, however in primates invasive investigations of the developing corticospinal pathway have been confined to neonatal and postnatal stages when refinement is relatively modest.
Here, we investigated the developmental changes in the distribution of corticospinal projection neurons in cynomolgus monkey. Injections of retrograde tracer at the cervical levels of the spinal cord at embryonic day (E) 95 and E105 show that (i) areal distribution of back-labeled neurons is more extensive than in the neonate and dense labeling is found in prefrontal, limbic, temporal and occipital cortex; (ii) distributions of contra- and ipsilateral projecting corticospinal neurons are comparable in terms of location and numbers of labeled neurons, in contrast to the adult where the contralateral projection is an order of magnitude higher than the ipsilateral projection. Findings from one largely restricted injection suggest a hitherto unsuspected early innervation of the gray matter.
In the fetus there was in addition dense labeling in the central nucleus of the amygdala, the hypothalamus, the subthalamic nucleus and the adjacent region of the zona incerta, subcortical structures with only minor projections in the adult control.