In plants, self-fertilization is both an important reproductive strategy and a valuable genetic tool. In theory, selfing increases homozygosity at a rate of 0.50 per generation. Increased homozygosity can uncover recessive deleterious variants and lead to inbreeding depression, unless it is countered by the loss of these variants by genetic purging. Here we investigated the dynamics of purging on genomic scale by testing three predictions. The first was that heterozygous, putatively deleterious SNPs were preferentially lost from the genome during continued selfing. The second was that the loss of deleterious SNPs varied as a function of recombination rate, because recombination increases the efficacy of selection by uncoupling linked variants. Finally, we predicted that genome size (GS) decreases during selfing, due to the purging of deleterious transposable element (TE) insertions. We tested these three predictions by following GS and SNP variants in a series of selfed maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) lines over six generations. In these lines, putatively deleterious alleles were purged, and purging was more pronounced in highly recombining regions. Homozygosity increased more slowly than expected; instead of increasing by 50% each generation, it increased by 35% to 40%. Finally, three lines showed dramatic decreases in GS, losing an average of 398 Mb from their genomes over the short timeframe of our experiment. TEs were the principal component of loss, and GS loss was more likely for lineages that began with more TE and more chromosomal knob repeats. Overall, this study documented remarkable GS loss – as much DNA as three Arabidopsis thaliana genomes, on average - in only a few generations of selfing.