Malaria transmission requires Plasmodium parasites to successfully infect a female Anopheles mosquito, surviving a series of robust innate immune responses. Understanding how parasites evade these responses can highlight new ways to block malaria transmission. We show that ookinete and sporozoite surface protein PIMMS43 is required for Plasmodium ookinete evasion of the Anopheles coluzzii complement-like system and for sporogonic development in the oocyst. Disruption of P. berghei PIMMS43 triggers robust complement activation and ookinete elimination upon mosquito midgut traversal. Silencing the complement-like system restores ookinete-to-oocyst transition. Antibodies that bind PIMMS43 interfere with parasite immune evasion when ingested with the infectious blood meal and significantly reduce the prevalence and intensity of infection. PIMMS43 genetic structure across African P. falciparum populations indicates allelic adaptation to sympatric vector populations. These data significantly add to our understanding of mosquito-parasite interactions and identify PIMMS43 as a target of interventions aiming at malaria transmission blocking.
Author summary Malaria is a devastating disease transmitted among humans through mosquito bites. Mosquito control has significantly reduced clinical malaria cases and deaths in the last decades. However, as mosquito resistance to insecticides is becoming widespread impacting on current control tools, such as insecticide impregnated bed nets and indoor spraying, new interventions are urgently needed, especially those that target disease transmission. Here, we characterize a protein found on the surface of malaria parasites, which serves to evade the mosquito immune system ensuring disease transmission. Neutralization of PIMMS43, either by eliminating it from the parasite genome or by pre-incubating parasites with antibodies that bind to the protein, is shown to inhibit mosquito infection by malaria parasites. Differences in PIMMS43 detected between malaria parasite populations sampled across Africa suggest that these populations have adapted for transmission by different mosquito vectors that are also differentially distributed across the continent. We conclude that interventions targeting PIMMS43 could block malaria parasites inside mosquitoes before they can infect humans.