FSHD is caused by the loss of repression at the D4Z4 locus leading to DUX4 expression in skeletal muscle, activation of its early embryonic transcriptional program and muscle fiber death. While progress toward understanding the signals driving DUX4 expression has been made, the factors and pathways involved in the transcriptional activation of this gene remain largely unknown. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of p38α as a novel regulator of DUX4 expression in FSHD myotubes. By using multiple highly characterized, potent and specific inhibitors of p38α/β, we show a robust reduction of DUX4 expression, activity and cell death across FSHD1 and FSHD2 patient-derived lines. RNA-seq profiling reveals that a small number of genes are differentially expressed upon p38α/β inhibition, the vast majority of which are DUX4 target genes. Our results reveal a novel and apparently critical role for p38α in the aberrant activation of DUX4 in FSHD and support the potential of p38α/β inhibitors as effective therapeutics to treat FSHD at its root cause.
Section assignment: Drug Discovery and Translational Medicine
Updated file to include a recent study describing similar characterization of p38 alpha/beta inhibitors in FSHD. Also we corrected mislabeling of MAPK12 as p38beta when it corresponds to p38gamma