New Results
Why we publish where we do: Faculty publishing values and their relationship to review, promotion and tenure expectations
Meredith T. Niles, Lesley A. Schimanski, View ORCID ProfileErin C. McKiernan, View ORCID ProfileJuan P. Alperin
Meredith T. Niles
1Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences & Food Systems Program, University of Vermont, Burlington VT 05405
Lesley A. Schimanski
2Scholarly Communications Lab, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
Erin C. McKiernan
3Departamento de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
Juan P. Alperin
4Scholarly Communications Lab, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada

- Supplementary Materials[supplements/706622_file02.docx]
Posted July 21, 2019.
Why we publish where we do: Faculty publishing values and their relationship to review, promotion and tenure expectations
Meredith T. Niles, Lesley A. Schimanski, Erin C. McKiernan, Juan P. Alperin
bioRxiv 706622; doi:
Subject Area
Subject Areas
- Biochemistry (13877)
- Bioengineering (10578)
- Bioinformatics (33617)
- Biophysics (17322)
- Cancer Biology (14389)
- Cell Biology (20382)
- Clinical Trials (138)
- Developmental Biology (10994)
- Ecology (16220)
- Epidemiology (2067)
- Evolutionary Biology (20526)
- Genetics (13523)
- Genomics (18818)
- Immunology (13947)
- Microbiology (32523)
- Molecular Biology (13534)
- Neuroscience (70932)
- Paleontology (533)
- Pathology (2222)
- Pharmacology and Toxicology (3780)
- Physiology (5961)
- Plant Biology (12169)
- Synthetic Biology (3404)
- Systems Biology (8246)
- Zoology (1871)