How the brain preserves information about more than one stimulus at a time remains poorly understood. We recently showed that when more than one stimulus is present, single neurons may fluctuate between coding one vs. the other(s) across some time period. A critical unanswered question is whether and how any such fluctuations are coordinated across the neural population. Here, we analyzed the spike count (“noise”) correlations observed between pairs of primary visual cortex (V1) neurons under a variety of conditions. We report that when two separate grating stimuli are presented simultaneously, distinct distributions of positive and negative correlations emerge, depending on whether the two neurons in the pair both respond more strongly to the same vs. different individual stimuli. Neural pairs that shared the same stimulus preference were more likely to show positively correlated spike count variability whereas those with different preferences were more likely to show negative correlations, suggesting that the population response to one particular stimulus may be enhanced over the other on any given trial. This pattern of results was not present when the two gratings were superimposed and formed a single plaid, supporting the interpretation that the pattern of correlated fluctuations is related to the segregation of individual objects in the visual scene.