PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Griffié, J. AU - Pham, T.A. AU - Sieben, C. AU - Lang, R. AU - Cevher, V. AU - Holden, S. AU - Unser, M. AU - Manley, S. AU - Sage, D. TI - Virtual-SMLM, a virtual environment for real-time interactive SMLM acquisition AID - 10.1101/2020.03.05.967893 DP - 2020 Jan 01 TA - bioRxiv PG - 2020.03.05.967893 4099 - 4100 - AB - Although single molecule localisation microscopy enables for the visualisation of cells nanoscale organisation, its dissemination remains limited mainly due to the complexity of the associated imaging acquisition, impacting on outputs’ reliability and reproducibility. We propose here the first all-in-one fully virtual environment for SMLM acquisition: Virtual-SMLM, including on-the-fly interactivity and real time display. It relies on a novel realistic approach to simulate fluorophores photo-physics based on independent pseudo-continuous emission traces. It also facilitates for user-specific experimental and optical environment design. As such, it constitutes a unique tool for the training of both users and machine learning approaches to automated SMLM, as well as for experimental validation, whilst providing realistic data sets for the development of image reconstruction algorithms and data analysis software.