PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Ash, Jordan T. AU - Darnell, Gregory AU - Munro, Daniel AU - Engelhardt, Barbara E. TI - Joint analysis of gene expression levels and histological images identifies genes associated with tissue morphology AID - 10.1101/458711 DP - 2018 Jan 01 TA - bioRxiv PG - 458711 4099 - 4100 - AB - Histological images are used to identify and to characterize complex phenotypes such as tumor stage. Our goal is to associate histological image phenotypes with high-dimensional genomic markers; the limitations to incorporating histological image phenotypes in genomic studies are that the relevant image features are difficult to identify and extract in an automated way, and confounders are difficult to control in this high-dimensional setting. In this paper, we use convolutional autoencoders and sparse canonical correlation analysis (CCA) on histological images and gene expression levels from paired samples to find subsets of genes whose expression values in a tissue sample correlate with subsets of morphological features from the corresponding sample image. We apply our approach, ImageCCA, to three data sets, two from TCGA and one from GTEx v6, and we find three types of biological associations. In TCGA, we find gene sets associated with the structure of the extracellular matrix and cell wall infrastructure, implicating uncharacterized genes in extracellular processes. Across studies, we find sets of genes associated with specific cell types, including muscle tissue and neuronal cells, and with cell type proportions in heterogeneous tissues. In the GTEx v6 data, we find image features that capture population variation in thyroid and in colon tissues associated with genetic variants, suggesting that genetic variation regulates population variation in tissue morphological traits. The software is publicly available at: