PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Ayoub, Ronald AU - Lee, Yugyung TI - RUPEE: A fast and accurate purely geometric protein structure search AID - 10.1101/475301 DP - 2018 Jan 01 TA - bioRxiv PG - 475301 4099 - 4100 - AB - Given the close relationship between protein structure and function, protein structure searches have long played an established role in bioinformatics. Despite their maturity, existing protein structure searches either use simplifying assumptions or compromise between fast response times and quality of results. These limitations can prevent the easy and efficient exploration of relationships between protein structures, which is the norm in other areas of inquiry. We have developed RUPEE, a fast, scalable, and purely geometric structure search combining techniques from information retrieval and big data with a novel approach to encoding sequences of torsion angles.Comparing our results to the output of mTM, SSM, and the CATHEDRAL structural scan, it is clear that RUPEE has set a new bar for purely geometric big data approaches to protein structure searches. RUPEE in top-aligned mode produces equal or better results than the best available protein structure searches, and RUPEE in fast mode demonstrates the fastest response times coupled with high quality results.The RUPEE protein structure search is available at Code and data are available at