PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Kinugawa, Kaoru AU - Luginbühl, Joachim AU - Matsui, Takeshi K. AU - Eura, Nobuyuki AU - Sakaguchi, Yoshihiko M. AU - Shin, Jay W AU - Sugie, Kazuma AU - Schwamborn, Jens C. AU - Mori, Eiichiro TI - Comparative analysis of human brain organoids of brainstem and midbrain at single-cell resolution AID - 10.1101/2020.09.02.279380 DP - 2020 Jan 01 TA - bioRxiv PG - 2020.09.02.279380 4099 - 4100 - AB - Human brain organoids provide us the means to investigate human brain development and neurological diseases, and single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) technologies allow us to identify homologous cell types and the molecular heterogeneity between individual cells. Previously established human brain organoids of brainstem (hBSOs) and midbrain (hMBOs) were analyzed by scRNA-seq, but the difference in cellular composition between these organoids remains unclear. Here, we integrated and compared the single-cell transcriptome of hBSOs and hMBOs. Our analysis demonstrated that the hBSOs and hMBOs contain some unique cell types, including inflammatory and mesenchymal cells. Further comparison of the hBSOs and hMBOs with publicly available scRNA-seq dataset of human fetal midbrain (hMB) showed high similarity in their neuronal components. These results provide new insights into human brain organoid technologies.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.