PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Yu, Rosemary AU - Vorontsov, Egor AU - Sihlbom, Carina AU - Nielsen, Jens TI - Quantifying absolute gene expression profiles reveals distinct regulation of central carbon metabolism genes in yeast AID - 10.1101/2020.12.22.423946 DP - 2020 Jan 01 TA - bioRxiv PG - 2020.12.22.423946 4099 - 4100 - AB - In addition to specific regulatory circuits, gene expression is also regulated by global physiological cues such as the cell growth rate and metabolic parameters. Here we examine these global control mechanisms by analyzing an orthogonal multi-omics dataset consisting of absolute-quantitative abundances of the transcriptome, proteome, and intracellular amino acids in 22 steady-state yeast cultures. Our model indicates that transcript and protein abundance are coordinately controlled by the cell growth rate via RNA polymerase II and ribosome abundance, but are independently controlled by metabolic parameters relating to amino acid and nucleotide availability. Genes in central carbon metabolism, however, are regulated independently of these global physiological cues. Our findings can be used to augment gene expression profiling analyses in the distantly related yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and a human cancer cell model. Our results provide a framework to analyze gene expression profiles to gain novel biological insights, a key goal of systems biology.Competing Interest StatementJ.N. is the CEO of the BioInnovation Institute, Denmark.