PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Shinn, Maxwell AU - Hu, Amber AU - Turner, Laurel AU - Noble, Stephanie AU - Achard, Sophie AU - Anticevic, Alan AU - Scheinost, Dustin AU - Constable, R. Todd AU - Lee, Daeyeol AU - Bullmore, Edward T. AU - Murray, John D. TI - Spatial and temporal autocorrelation weave human brain networks AID - 10.1101/2021.06.01.446561 DP - 2021 Jan 01 TA - bioRxiv PG - 2021.06.01.446561 4099 - 4100 - AB - Correlations are a basic object of analysis across neuroscience, but multivariate patterns of correlations can be difficult to interpret. For example, correlations are fundamental to understanding timeseries derived from resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI), a proxy of brain activity. Networks constructed from regional correlations in rs-fMRI timeseries are often interpreted as brain connectivity, yet the links between brain networks and neurobiology have until now been largely speculative. Here, we show that the topology of rs-fMRI brain networks is caused by the spatial and temporal autocorrelation of the timeseries used to construct them. Spatial and temporal autocorrelation show high test-retest reliability, and are correlated with popular measures of network topology. A generative model of spatially and temporally autocorrelated timeseries exhibits similar network topology to brain networks, and when fit to individual subjects, it captures near the reliability limit of subject and regional variation. We demonstrate why spatial and temporal autocorrelation induce network structure, and highlight their ability to link graph properties to neurobiology during healthy aging. These results offer a reductionistic account of brain network complexity, explaining characteristic patterns in brain networks using timeseries statistics.Competing Interest StatementDL is a co-founder of Neurogazer Inc. ETB serves on the scientific advisory board of Sosei Heptares and as a consultant for GlaxoSmithKline. AA and JDM serve on the technical advisory board of RBNC Therapeutics.