RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 A natural timeless polymorphism allowing circadian clock synchronization in ‘white nights’ JF bioRxiv FD Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory SP 2020.03.27.011361 DO 10.1101/2020.03.27.011361 A1 Lamaze, Angelique A1 Chen, Chenghao A1 Leleux, Solene A1 Xu, Min A1 George, Rebekah A1 Stanewsky, Ralf YR 2021 UL http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2021/09/14/2020.03.27.011361.abstract AB Daily temporal organisation of behavioural and physiological functions offers a fitness advantage for most animals. Optimized temporal niches are determined by an interplay between external environmental rhythms and internal circadian clocks. While daily light:dark cycles serve as a robust time cue (Zeitgeber) to synchronise circadian clocks, it is not clear how animals experiencing only weak environmental cues deal with this problem. Like humans, flies of the genus Drosophila originate in sub-Saharan Africa and spread North in Europe up to the polar circle where they experience extremely long days in the summer or even constant light (LL). LL is known to disrupt clock function, due to constant activation of the deep brain photoreceptor CRYPTOCHROME (CRY), which induces constant degradation of the clock protein TIMELESS (TIM). Temperature cycles are able to overcome these arrhythmia inducing effects of LL, reinstating clock protein oscillations and rhythmic behaviour. We show here that for this to occur a recently evolved natural allele (ls-tim) of the timeless gene is required, whereby the presence of this allele within the central clock neurons is sufficient. The ls-tim allele encodes a longer, less-light sensitive form of TIM (L-TIM) in addition to the shorter (S-TIM) form, the only form encoded by the ancient s-tim allele. Only after blocking light-input by removing functional CRY, s-tim flies are able to synchronise molecular and behavioural rhythms to temperature cycles in LL. Additional removal of light input from the visual system results in a phase advance of molecular and behavioural rhythms, showing that the visual system contributes to temperature synchronization in LL. We show that ls-tim, but not s-tim flies can synchronise their behavioural activity to semi-natural LL and temperature cycle conditions reflecting long Northern Europe summer days, the season when Drosophila populations massively expand. Our observations suggest that this functional gain associated with ls-tim is driving the Northern spread of this allele by directional selection.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.