PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Sanchez de Ribera, Olga AU - Kavish, Nicholas AU - Boutwell, Brian TI - On the relationship between psychopathy and general intelligence: A meta-analytic review AID - 10.1101/100693 DP - 2017 Jan 01 TA - bioRxiv PG - 100693 4099 - 4100 - AB - Over recent decades, a growing body of research has accumulated concerning the relationship between indicators of general intelligence and the personality construct known as psychopathy. Both traits represent key correlates of life outcomes, predicting everything from occupational and economic success, to various indicators of prosocial behavior (including avoiding contact with the criminal justice system). The findings to date regarding the association of the two traits, however, have been somewhat inconsistent. Thus, there remains a need for a more systematic investigation of the extant empirical literature. The current study reports a meta-analysis conducted to evaluate the direction and overall effect size of the relationship between these two constructs. Our analyses revealed a small, but significant, negative effect of intelligence on psychopathy. The results and impact of possible moderating variables such as type of intelligence test used are discussed. Finally, the study limitations, and possible directions for further research on this issue are detailed prior to concluding.