PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Feng, Li AU - Zhang, Yan-Ping AU - Chen, Xiao-Dan AU - Yang, Jia AU - Zhou, Tao AU - Bai, Guo-Qing AU - Yang, Jiao AU - Li, Zhong-Hu AU - Peng, Ching-I AU - Zhao, Gui-Fang TI - Allopatric divergence, local adaptation, and multiple Quaternary refugia in a long-lived tree (<em>Quercus spinosa</em>) from subtropical China AID - 10.1101/112375 DP - 2017 Jan 01 TA - bioRxiv PG - 112375 4099 - 4100 - AB - The complex geography and climatic changes occurring in subtropical China during the Tertiary and Quaternary might have provided substantial opportunities for allopatric speciation. To gain further insight into these processes, we reconstruct the evolutionary history of Quercus spinosa, a common evergreen tree species mainly distributed in this area.Forty-six populations were genotyped using four chloroplast DNA regions and 12 nuclear microsatellite loci to assess genetic structure and diversity, which was supplemented by divergence time and diversification rate analyses, environmental factor analysis, and ecological niche modeling of the species distributions in the past and at present.The genetic data consistently identified two lineages: the western Eastern Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains lineage and the eastern Central-Eastern China lineage, mostly maintained by populations’ environmental adaptation. These lineages diverged through climate/orogeny-induced vicariance during the Neogene and remained separated thereafter. Genetic data strongly supported the multiple refugia (per se, interglacial refugia) or refugia within refugia hypotheses to explain Q. spinosa phylogeography in subtropical China.Q. spinosa population structure highlighted the importance of complex geography and climatic changes occurring in subtropical China during the Neogene in providing substantial opportunities for allopatric divergence.