PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Khambhati, Ankit N. AU - Sizemore, Ann E. AU - Betzel, Richard F. AU - Bassett, Danielle S. TI - Modelling and Interpreting Network Dynamics AID - 10.1101/124016 DP - 2017 Jan 01 TA - bioRxiv PG - 124016 4099 - 4100 - AB - Recent advances in brain imaging techniques, measurement approaches, and storage capacities have provided an unprecedented supply of high temporal resolution neural data. These data present a remarkable opportunity to gain a mechanistic understanding not just of circuit structure, but also of circuit dynamics, and its role in cognition and disease. Such understanding necessitates a description of the raw observations, and a delineation of computational models and mathematical theories that accurately capture fundamental principles behind the observations. Here we review recent advances in a range of modeling approaches that embrace the temporally-evolving interconnected structure of the brain and summarize that structure in a dynamic graph. We describe recent efforts to model dynamic patterns of connectivity, dynamic patterns of activity, and patterns of activity atop connectivity. In the context of these models, we review important considerations in statistical testing, including parametric and non-parametric approaches. Finally, we offer thoughts on careful and accurate interpretation of dynamic graph architecture, and outline important future directions for method development.