PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Lorenz, Romy AU - Violante, Ines R. AU - Monti, Ricardo Pio AU - Montana, Giovanni AU - Hampshire, Adam AU - Leech, Robert TI - Dissociating frontoparietal brain networks with neuroadaptive Bayesian optimization AID - 10.1101/128678 DP - 2017 Jan 01 TA - bioRxiv PG - 128678 4099 - 4100 - AB - Understanding the unique contributions of frontoparietal networks (FPN) in cognition is challenging because different FPNs spatially overlap and are co-activated for diverse tasks. In order to characterize these networks involves studying how they activate across many different cognitive tasks, which previously has only been possible with meta-analyses. Here, building upon meta-analyses as a starting point, we use neuroadaptive Bayesian optimization, an approach combining real-time analysis of functional neuroimaging data with machine-learning, to discover cognitive tasks that dissociate ventral and dorsal FPN activity from a large pool of tasks. We identify and subsequently refine two cognitive tasks (Deductive Reasoning and Tower of London) that are optimal for dissociating the FPNs. The identified cognitive tasks are not those predicted by meta-analysis, highlighting a different mapping between cognitive tasks and FPNs than expected. The optimization approach converged on a similar neural dissociation independently for the two different tasks, suggesting a possible common underlying functional mechanism and the need for neurally-derived cognitive taxonomies.