PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Labun, Kornel AU - Guo, Xiaoge AU - Chavez, Alejandro AU - Church, George AU - Gagnon, James AU - Valen, Eivind TI - Accurate analysis of genuine CRISPR editing events with ampliCan AID - 10.1101/249474 DP - 2018 Jan 01 TA - bioRxiv PG - 249474 4099 - 4100 - AB - We present ampliCan, an analysis tool that unites identification, quantification and visualization of genuine genome editing events from CRISPR amplicon sequencing data. ampliCan overcomes methodological challenges suffered by other tools to estimate the true mutational efficiency in a high-throughput automated fashion. ampliCan controls for biases at every step of the analysis and generates reports that allow users to quickly identify successful editing events or potential issues with their experiments. We benchmarked ampliCan against other leading tools demonstrating that it outperformed all in the face of common confounding factors.