PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Eyal, Shai AU - Rubin, Sarah AU - Krief, Sharon AU - Levin, Lihi AU - Zelzer, Elazar TI - On the Development of Sesamoid Bones AID - 10.1101/316901 DP - 2018 Jan 01 TA - bioRxiv PG - 316901 4099 - 4100 - AB - Sesamoid bones are a special group of small auxiliary bones that form in proximity to joints and contribute to their stability and function. Sesamoid bones display high degree of variability in size, location, penetrance and anatomical connection to the main skeleton across vertebrate species. Therefore, providing a comprehensive developmental model or classification system for sesamoid bones is challenging. Here, we examine the developmental mechanisms of three anatomically different sesamoid bones, namely patella, lateral fabella and digit sesamoids. Through a comprehensive comparative analysis at the cellular, molecular and mechanical levels, we demonstrate that all three types of sesamoid bones originated from Sox9+/Scx+ progenitors under the regulation of TGFβ and independent of mechanical stimuli from muscles. We show that BMP4 was necessary specifically for differentiation of patella but not of lateral fabella or digit sesamoids, whereas BMP2 regulated the growth of all examined sesamoids. Next, we show that whereas patella and digit sesamoids initially formed in juxtaposition to long bones, the lateral fabella formed independently at a distance. Finally, we provide evidence suggesting that while patella detached from the femur by formation of a synovial joint, digit sesamoids detached from the phalanx by a fibrocartilage joint. Collectively, these findings highlight both common and divergent molecular and mechanical features of sesamoid bone development, thereby advancing our understanding of their evolutionary plasticity.