
Dipping the leafcells of alfalfa leafcutting bees, Megachile Pacifica (Panzer), in an aqueous carbaryl suspension can effectively control reparasitism by the chalcidoid parasites Monodontomerus sp., Tetrastichus sp., and Melittobia sp. in the laboratory. Carbaryl, applied as a residue to the leafcells, had LC50 values of 2.0×10-2 g carbaryl/ml water and 2.1×10-1 g carbaryl/ml water for the ♂ and ♀ bees, respectively. Monodontomerus sp., with an LC50, of 4.1×10-4 g carbaryl/ml water, were the most tolerant parasites. A dose of 1.4×10-2 g carbaryl/ml water controlled the parasites without serious consequences for the bees.

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