The Intraflagellar Transport Machinery

  1. Esben Lorentzen
  1. Department of Structural Cell Biology, Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany
  1. Correspondence: taschner{at}; lorentze{at}


Eukaryotic cilia and flagella are evolutionarily conserved organelles that protrude from the cell surface. The unique location and properties of cilia allow them to function in vital processes such as motility and signaling. Ciliary assembly and maintenance rely on intraflagellar transport (IFT), the bidirectional movement of a multicomponent transport system between the ciliary base and tip. Since its initial discovery more than two decades ago, considerable effort has been invested in dissecting the molecular mechanisms of IFT in a variety of model organisms. Importantly, IFT was shown to be essential for mammalian development, and defects in this process cause a number of human pathologies known as ciliopathies. Here, we review current knowledge of IFT with a particular emphasis on the IFT machinery and specific mechanisms of ciliary cargo recognition and transport.

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