The nuclear cap-binding complex as choreographer of gene transcription and pre-mRNA processing

  1. Lynne E. Maquat1,2
  1. 1Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14642, USA;
  2. 2Center for RNA Biology, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14642, USA
  1. Corresponding author: lynne_maquat{at}


The largely nuclear cap-binding complex (CBC) binds to the 5′ caps of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII)-synthesized transcripts and serves as a dynamic interaction platform for a myriad of RNA processing factors that regulate gene expression. While influence of the CBC can extend into the cytoplasm, here we review the roles of the CBC in the nucleus, with a focus on protein-coding genes. We discuss differences between CBC function in yeast and mammals, covering the steps of transcription initiation, release of RNAPII from pausing, transcription elongation, cotranscriptional pre-mRNA splicing, transcription termination, and consequences of spurious transcription. We describe parameters known to control the binding of generic or gene-specific cofactors that regulate CBC activities depending on the process(es) targeted, illustrating how the CBC is an ever-changing choreographer of gene expression.


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