RNA m6 A modification enzymes shape innate responses to DNA by regulating interferon β

  1. Ian Mohr1,2
  1. 1Department of Microbiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York 10016, USA;
  2. 2Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Institute, New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York 10016, USA
  1. Corresponding author: ian.mohr{at}med.nyu.edu


Modification of mRNA by N6-adenosine methylation (m6A) on internal bases influences gene expression in eukaryotes. How the dynamic genome-wide landscape of m6A-modified mRNAs impacts virus infection and host immune responses remains poorly understood. Here, we show that type I interferon (IFN) production triggered by dsDNA or human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is controlled by the cellular m6A methyltrasferase subunit METTL14 and ALKBH5 demethylase. While METTL14 depletion reduced virus reproduction and stimulated dsDNA- or HCMV-induced IFNB1 mRNA accumulation, ALKBH5 depletion had the opposite effect. Depleting METTL14 increased both nascent IFNB1 mRNA production and stability in response to dsDNA. In contrast, ALKBH5 depletion reduced nascent IFNB1 mRNA production without detectably influencing IFN1B mRNA decay. Genome-wide transcriptome profiling following ALKBH5 depletion identified differentially expressed genes regulating antiviral immune responses, while METTL14 depletion altered pathways impacting metabolic reprogramming, stress responses, and aging. Finally, we determined that IFNB1 mRNA was m6A-modified within both the coding sequence and the 3′ untranslated region (UTR). This establishes that the host m6A modification machinery controls IFNβ production triggered by HCMV or dsDNA. Moreover, it demonstrates that responses to nonmicrobial dsDNA in uninfected cells, which shape host immunity and contribute to autoimmune disease, are regulated by enzymes controlling m6A epitranscriptomic changes.



  • Received August 2, 2018.
  • Accepted October 12, 2018.

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