Resolving the molecular basis of a Mendelian condition (MC) remains challenging owing to the diverse mechanisms by which genetic variants cause disease. To address this, we developed a synchronized long-read genome, methylome, epigenome, and transcriptome sequencing approach, which enables accurate single-nucleotide, insertion-deletion, and structural variant calling and diploid de novo genome assembly, and permits the simultaneous elucidation of haplotype-resolved CpG methylation, chromatin accessibility, and full-length transcript information in a single long-read sequencing run. Application of this approach to an Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN) participant with a chromosome X;13 balanced translocation of uncertain significance revealed that this translocation disrupted the functioning of four separate genes (NBEA, PDK3, MAB21L1, and RB1) previously associated with single-gene MCs. Notably, the function of each gene was disrupted via a distinct mechanism that required integration of the four ‘omes’ to resolve. These included nonsense-mediated decay, fusion transcript formation, enhancer adoption, transcriptional readthrough silencing, and inappropriate X chromosome inactivation of autosomal genes. Overall, this highlights the utility of synchronized long-read multi-omic profiling for mechanistically resolving complex phenotypes.
Competing Interest Statement
J.K., J.G.U., C.T.S., A.M.W., M.K. and I.J.M. are full-time employees at PacBio, a company developing single-molecule sequencing technologies. A.B.S. is a co-inventor on a patent relating to the Fiber-seq method (US17/995,058).